I more so found ways to cope this past year but knowing Arie is mad at me throws any of my tools out the window.
If I sleep I know I'll see him. It's strange how so many details of that time that have fogged in my memory come back so vividly in my dreams.

The four beers I drank lulls me. I hope the alcohol in my blood stops me dreaming. I contemplate this in the realm between sleep and wake when I hear a soft knocking.

My eyes snap open. I look to the cable box it reads 2:23 am. Was I dreaming?

I hear the knock again and in a moment I know it's Arie. It's surprising for him to be here but the rhythm of the knock lets me know.

I quickly roll off of the couch and open the door not bothering to look through the peephole.

Arie doesn't look at me. He looks instead at a spot on the door jam as he taps it softly with his nail.

"You didn't come to me." He mutters as my eyes take in the giant zip up hoody he is dressed in.

"You hate me."

"That never stopped you before."

"You never said you hated me before."

He purses his lips, "I do hate you. You're the worst."

"Why didn't you text me?"

He pouts, "I blocked you."

"Liar, you read my messages."

"Fine. I read them."


He looks at me for the first time. His expression angry, "I didn't sleep with anyone in Miami. I didn't even date."

"I know."

"Then why would you say that to me?"

I take a deep breath, "I wasn't prepared to see you that way with someone else."

"Aren't you that way with Bree? How come you get to judge me?!!" He snaps loudly.

I lean forward and look down the hall both ways wondering if any of my neighbors heard.

When no one peaks their head out I take hold of Aries arm and pull him inside.

He doesn't fight me but the moment I close the door he snatches his arm from my grasp.

He folds his arms as he stands with his back to the counter.

"I'm not judging you. I was jealous. I admit it. Why did you have to do it here?"

"You left with Bree. I didn't know when you would be back. I didn't plan it. We were talking and things ended that way."

"Ended that way? I was gone less then ten minutes and I come back to find you pinned beneath my best friend. I'm not judging you and I shouldn't have said what I said. Just for a moment can you please imagine how that made me feel?"

"Maybe like how I felt when you called Bree baby!" He snaps.

I'm confused by his statement at first, "When?"

"When she served you pizza. You said thank you baby!"

He points to his chest, "You call me that. You have always only called me that. When did she become your baby?!"

"That bothered you?"

"Why wouldn't it? Can't anything you give me be just mine? Can't I own any part of you without you just giving it away to another bitch?"

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