Ch52: World War Three (3)

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President Clinton's POV:
PEOC Bunker,
White House,
Washington D.C.

Why did something like this have to happen in my own tenure? I've just taken over, practically days ago, from Joe and yet here I am sitting in a bunker awaiting the latest news from a war we have no business fighting. How did we even get here?

????: Don't tell me you're having second thoughts now.

Looking up, I find the bane of my very existence smirking at me as she hovers amongst her glorified limbs. She still refuses to tell me her name, even now, but no point arguing over it. We're in this together whether I like it or not. 

Me: Could you at least put on some clothes?

????: Are you finding me...distracting?

She cocks her head to one side soaking in my every movement and under her watchful gaze, I can't help but feel powerless. The world fades around us as I continue staring into those ever-blackening eyes of hers, lost for all eternity until someone else speaks thus breaking the spell.

Dwight: Madam President, we've received confirmation that the battleships reactivated and deployed with "her" help have successfully destroyed the target.

Me: Are you certain?

Dwight: Yes, ma'am. Admiral  Philip Davidson himself confirmed the success of the operation. He's currently aboard the USS New Jersey, one of the two Iowa class Battleships that successfully struck the target. 

Me: What of the rest of our forces?

Dwight opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by our guest who pulls me towards her with an extended tentacle. The secret service operatives within the room all draw their weapons but she merely laughs before bringing up a hologram before me showcasing a live feed of the battle. As more and more holograms open, everyone in the room falls silent. It's clear to see, that even though we've claimed "victory" in achieving our primary initial target, it has cost us many ships. Who knew that girl was this strong? She's almost entirely obliterated our central task force with the only ships remaining being the few destroyers that had been guarding the rear alongside the carriers and two battleships. 

Carter: Fuck-

????: Now you see why I assisted you in relocating not just your own forces but those of your allies as well. Your entire navy wouldn't be a sufficient enough force to challenge your enemies while she was active. However, your troubles aren't over as yet.

Me: What do you mean?

????: You've only disabled one of three KANSEN carriers or in other words, one of four KANSEN girls the enemy possesses. 

All: What? 

Me: What do you mean three carriers?

Dwight: I-what do you mean four? We've only seen one active...wait. Don't tell me the girl with her was another!

????: Girl?

Dwight: Our pilots had informed us that she'd hijacked their plane accompanied by one she called Enterprise but I didn't think anything of it-

????: She's not the carrier you should fear.

All: WHAT?

????: Well, while they have begun modernizing her, it is Zhejiang's sister who poses the greater threat. When she realises that you've sunken her big sister-

Daija: Sir! You need to hear this!

Even while Daija relays the information, the large screen on the wall before us shifts from showcasing the other allied nation leaders to a live feed from one of our ships.

Me: that a dragon?

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