Ch12: Green Light (3)

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Me: So...are you going to tell me where we are going?

Enterprise and I trot through the snow, heading deeper into town. Everyone's looking at us but she doesn't seem particularly bothered by this. I on the other hand am woefully self-conscious. I don't know why it didn't occur to me previously when we arrived at the base but the suits we're in are almost skin tight. As they're insulated, they keep us perfectly warm but at the same time, they don't leave much to the imagination or maybe that last fact is just my imagination.

Enterprise: What's on your mind?

Looking up, I notice she's looking back at me as she continues trotting forward. I shake my head and mutter that everything is fine to which her reply is laughter. She assures me that we'll be there soon before taking my hand. This breaks my train of thought completely and I find myself staring at her which inadvertently leads to me admiring her figure. For someone so tomboyish, she's quite well-shaped.

Enterprise: Like what you see?

Snapping out of my reverie, I find that we've stopped and she's smiling at me. Looking around, I notice that we're in front of a seemingly old building. The scent of food comes from inside and before long, my stomach is growling in anticipation. Still, I can't help but tease just a little.

Me: Is this a date my dear?

Enterprise: I thought that was what we were doing from the start.

She winks as she gestures to the entrance. I follow her in and before long we're seated at a table. The location seems similar to one of the restaurants back at the base where the owner is seemingly also the waiter/attendant. This particular restaurant, however, seems to be a family business. I'm watching the owner conversing with a woman I can only assume is his wife when Enterprise continues our prior conversation.

Enterprise: After all, I can assume you don't just bring every girl you meet to space.

Nearly choking on the glass of water I'm drinking, I find Enterprise staring at me deviously. She's enjoying this but two can play that game. When I'm done with her she's going to acknowledge that I am the winner of this little game.

Me: Actually, you are the first.

She looks shocked by this and I suppose she does have a good reason to be. After all, one would be right to assume that I had at least flown with Dalian before which would indeed be correct. However, the times where I flew with Dalian, I was teaching her how to fly the jets and as such we never went anywhere near the heights I did with Enterprise.

Enterprise: You're being serious.

Me: I am. You and I are the first persons in this world to experience what it feels like to fly at 65,000 feet.

The sound of clattering utensils brings our attention to the front of the restaurant where we find the owner and the woman he was speaking to earlier both staring at us in disbelief.

Owner: Excuse me, but are you the ones that came in on those odd planes?

Me: We are.

Owner: See Martha! I told you those weren't ordinary planes. 65,000...can you believe it?

Martha?: Yes darling. You were right as always. Still, I was also correct in assuming from their outfits that they were some of the pilots from those aircraft.

As I continue listening to their conversation, I notice that they think they think there are other pilots as well. I also notice that they are seemingly convinced Enterprise and I are on an actual date and are planning on making our time here perfect. This gives me an idea and after noticing that Enterprise isn't watching me, I stand, bringing everyone's attention to me. Walking over to the owner and his wife, I inform them of my plan. Martha smiles and takes my hands in hers as she guides me away from Enterprise so that we're completely out of earshot.

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