Ch13: Troubling News

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It's only been a day since we got back yet things are already spiralling out of control. By now, the entire island is under the assumption that we are dating. We've both tried to clarify the situation but to no avail so instead, we're choosing to go with the flow for now. Now, we're sitting together on the pier, watching the other girls doing practice runs.

Me: I had no idea, they'd make such a big deal out of this.

Enterprise: Neither did I but I guess it's just unusual, is all.

Me: How so?

Wales: You're the first official couple, that's how.

We both turn to see Wales coming towards us. With her are Vestal and an army of girls. Not wanting to deal with this right now, I quickly stand and prepare to make a run for it. Enterprise notices and quickly follow suit.

Me: Friends of yours, Wales?

Wales: More like fans of yours.

Vestal: Before the two of you go running off again, remember to come to your check-ups later. Okay?

Me: Kay!

Grabbing Enterprise's hand, I make a run for the outskirts of the base. At the same time, I tell my ship to send one of the J-16s on board to meet us at the airstrip.

Me: I hope you're ready for that lesson I promised!

Enterprise: Lesson? Wait, are you serious? Right now?

Me: What better time to absorb info like a sponge than a matter of life and death?

Enterprise: That's a bit overdramatic. Surely they aren't going to kill us.

Me: Why don't you stop and find out then?

Looking behind shows a mad horde of girls all running like cheetahs after their prey. If we continue running at this speed, they'll definitely catch us.

Me: Hold on!

Enterprise: What?

Accelerating to full speed, the world becomes a blur around us. Even with everything going on, however, the feeling of Enterprise's hands wrapping further and further around my waist as she tries to hold on removes everything else from my mind almost causing me to run right past our destination.

Me: We're here.

Skidding to a halt, we find ourselves alongside a perfectly placed J-16. Enterprise instantly makes a move for the backseat but I stop her and point her towards the front. She hesitates for a bit but the sound of approaching girls quickly resolves her inner conflict.

As the canopy closes around us, the girls spill onto the airfield but stop short as they see us already in the aircraft. I quickly give Enterprise the shortest run down of everything. She catches on quickly, especially since I'm only teaching her, currently, what we need to leave the ground.

Enterprise: So full power, right?

Me: Uh-

Before I can correct her, we're blasting towards the end of the runway. There's simply no reason to use the afterburner here given the runway is long and the aircraft isn't fully loaded.

Me: Pull up! Pull up!

She does and the plane immediately makes a beeline for the sun. We're barely a few seconds into the flight when the first sonic boom is heard. Surprisingly, she manages to pilot it very well but as we're still going upwards using full afterburner I can't breathe easy as yet.

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