Ch42: Refitting In Progress

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We're standing on top of one of the cranes looking down at Enterprise's carrier as the workers get started on refitting it. With me are Enterprise, Jiangsu and one very scared Liang who clings on to me as though if we were to fall she's certain that I'd still prevent her from dying. Her faith in me is truly inspiring. Jiangsu on the other hand skips from one side of the crane to the other, balancing at the last minute to prevent herself from falling, much to the dismay of Enterprise who tries to get her to stop but fails.

Me: She'll be fine.

Enterprise: But-

Me: She's not a human, remember? Falling won't do anything but scare her a little.

Enterprise: True but she could still injure someone below.

Can't argue with that. Even without the weight of her carrier within her, a child of her size falling on top of another human from this height would almost certainly cause the other person's death. We are roughly 210 feet above ground level, after all.

Me: Jiangsu, be careful.

Jiangsu: Okay!

Enterprise glares daggers my way but I simply roll my eyes before refocusing on the work going on beneath us. They've just started today but have already removed a third of the 96 aircraft she carries. They've also removed most of the external guns. It's the same team that worked on me so they have experience with KANSEN technology and so they're able to work much faster than one would expect of them. Still, the main reason behind how fast they are working remains the sheer number of people working on this project. 

When you take those not working directly on the carrier into account as well, there are easily over 12,000 qualified personnel here. This is more than the amount that worked on me but apparently, my status as a legend has led to many people even returning to China just so they can work with me. The new complex, which they somehow managed to get built in just a matter of weeks, specialises in handling the maintenance and refitting of existing carriers but cannot build one from scratch without further modification. This is primarily because it was actually built for me and I was an already finished carrier. 

Enterprise: So what did you decide to give me?

Me: It's a surprise.

Liang: She's right. Even I don't know.

Me: Don't worry, it'll be good.

I smile at her before leaning backwards. Liang, who's already holding on to me for dear life, screams as she's carried with me over the edge. As we begin falling, her voice gets louder and louder, surely causing all construction to cease. 

Me: It's not that bad.

Hearing my voice and the wind no longer howling, she opens her eyes to find that we're floating just off the edge of the crane. My carrier's not armed but beneath us, a Chinese dragon gently maintains our position as my feet come to rest on its back. 

Liang: Is this-

Me: I guess the simplest way to describe it would be to say it is my "familiar".

Liang: So it's not your carrier? 

Me: Not quite.

Pointing, I show her that my carrier's still anchored in the harbour alongside my sister's and Dalian's ships. Still hovering beside the crane, I wait until Enterprise and Jiangsu have also gotten on before having the dragon bring us down to the complex below. There, people watch as it lands before vanishing inside me once more and going by their facial expressions, they're speechless.

I myself would have a similar reaction but I'd noticed the new addition earlier and simply wanted to see what it was all about. I never expected an actual dragon but at least now that I know it exists I can make use of it going forward. I guess it is kind of like Enterprise's eagle or Kaga's fox only in the case of Kaga, hers seem integrated with her ship to some degree rather than existing as a separate entity. 

Enterprise: So what's next on the schedule while we wait?

Me: What would you like to do?

Enterprise: I'm not sure.

Jiangsu: I know! I know!

Me: Well?

Jiangsu: Let's go camping!

All: Camping?

Jiangsu: Please! Pretty please?

She does the whole thing, puppy eyes and all and after some time I give in and accept. It should be fun. Besides, it'll give everyone time to get to know each other better.

Me: When will you have to return to work, Liang?

Liang: I've already been told that I'm going to be responsible for taking care of all of you so...

Me: So you're obligated to come along and can't make any excuses? Great. Let's go!

Liang: I didn't say-

Me: Jiangsu, get your ship.

Jiangsu: Kay!

Me: [Dalian, grab your ship and meet us at the entrance.]

Dalian: [But I still haven't gotten the food as yet.]

Food. Right. We'll need a ton of that if we're going to go camping for a while. Four KANSEN will burn through food like a small town, even when not expending energy in an intensive manner. 

Me: [Change of plans, come find us. We're gonna go shopping.]

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