Ch32: Little Sister

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I awaken to the sound of wind rushing by. Opening my eyes reveal that I am plummeting towards the ocean beneath me at terminal velocity. Forgetting that I am not actually in danger, I scream and begin flapping as though my arms would be enough to keep me up but this only causes me to lose what little control I had over how I was falling. Now spinning uncontrollably, I lose all sense of direction and before I know it, I have hit the water.


When I finally reemerge, I'm surprised to find myself staring at an island. I've never seen it before, but I quickly begin making my way towards it. Even without using my ship, it doesn't take me long and soon I'm standing on its beach, looking around for any sign of life.

????: Zhejiang?

Turning to face the voice, I'm surprised to find Liang peeking out from behind one of the trees on the edge of the forest. What's she doing here? Shouldn't she be back in our country? Surely she didn't also get pulled into that...

Liang: It's really you!

Interrupting my train of thought, she bolts toward me, not stopping until she crashes into me thus knocking me down onto the sand in the process. Even though caught off guard, however, I can't help but laugh as she reddens in embarrassment. 

Liang: I'm...sorry.

Me: HAHA. It's fine.

Despite my assurance that everything's okay, she still continues mumbling apology after apology until I sit up and pull her into an embrace. As she sinks into my touch, however, a ping alerts me to the presence of another ship nearby.

Me: Something's coming.

Liang looks up at me before turning to face the direction I'm looking in. She's still sitting on me, arms wrapped around my neck but when the ship comes into view, she slips off me. The ship is unmistakable. It is the Jiangsu, my sister ship, and yet as it continues floating in the distance I can't shake the feeling that something's off.

After trying to contact the ship, to no avail, Liang and I decide to head on board to investigate. After she climbs onto my back, I begin making my way towards the ship but soon take note of the fact that there aren't any signs of life coming from onboard. No one tries to contact us or even aim at us as we approach. 

Jumping up, I land on the deck to find a little girl lying unconscious some distance away. Liang is the first to react, hopping off my back and rushing over. I on the other hand continue looking around the ship for any signs of what might have happened or, at the very least, other signs of life but when Liang gasps, I rush over to find that the little girl has woken up. As she stands up and looks in my direction, I can't even manage to form words to express my thoughts. 


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Her cap makes it unmistakable. Her appearance is equally undeniable. Save for the colour of her eyes and hair, she's a younger version of me in every other manner. The name written on her cap just serves to confirm what is already known. This little girl whom I've never met before is my little sister, Jiangsu.

Stooping down before her, I brush the hair out of her face as I offer her a sweet smile. I introduce myself and Liang who's still shocked to see Jiangsu. However, she doesn't allow it to stop her from backing me up and after spending some time looking into my eyes with wonder, Jiangsu returns a smile before surprising me by throwing her arms around my neck. When she doesn't let go, however, I resign myself to lifting her up as I stand. 

Now that I'm already back out at sea I might as well try contacting our navy as well. I'm sure everyone's concerned, especially since Liang is here with us. Though, I wonder who would be the best person to speak in this situation...

Me: Liang, why not use Jiangsu's comm to contact the navy?

Liang: Are you sure we're still in our world?

Me: Hmm? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I could contact them myself but I think you-

Liang: I understand.

After another glance at Jiangsu, still burying her face in my shoulder, Liang walks off towards the bridge. A couple of minutes later, I follow but only after ensuring that Jiangsu's okay. By the time I get to the bridge, Liang's already contacted the navy who were all happy to hear her voice again. They've already dispatched ships to meet up with us but also urged us to begin making our way back towards the coastline as apparently, we are a little over 5000 miles away. I didn't even notice we were that far, though I suppose I never checked.

Liang: That's what are we going to do now?

Me: I'd like to avoid coming across other forces if possible. The war's ended but I'd prefer not to take unnecessary risks. As such I'd love to fly back, but...

Liang: But?

Me: It's nothing, we can use that as a last resort.

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