Ch39: Thus It Begins

138 9 13

Enterprise: I love you.

Me: What?

Enterprise: I love you!

Unsure of what to make of her sudden declaration, I'm about to open my mouth to respond when a transmission from an allied ship comes in.

Liang: [Tell me they're lying when they said you hijacked-]

Me: [You're awake. A bit late to the party but better than never.]

Liang: [I-]

Me: [I have someone for you to meet.]

Liang: [Yes, I've met Dalian and like you, she seems hell-bent on refusing my apologies over what happened to her.]

Dalian: [I keep telling her it's fine but she won't let up.]

Me: [Just let her be and accept it. Far less trouble.]

Liang: [Hey! I can hear you, you know!]

Me: [Anyways! That's not who I want you to meet.]

Liang: [Oh?]

So I guess they haven't mentioned Enterprise to her as yet then. This ought to be good.

Grabbing Enterprise's hand, I pull us both out of the back of the tanker whilst thanking the crew for their assistance before radioing back to them as I plummet through the air that they are free to go on their way.

Enterprise screams at first but it isn't long before she settles down after I pull her into an embrace. We're both rocketing towards the waves below but she seems to all but forgets about that fact as she stares lovingly back into my eyes.

Me: [You're up.]

Enterprise: [What?]

Me: [We're going too fast for my planes to simply catch us so you're up.]

Understanding, she turns us around so that she's above and I'm below then summons one of her own aircraft. Almost immediately, I feel the cold metal touch the back of my arm before finding myself sitting on her lap inside one of her fighter's cockpits.

Me: Smoothly done.

Enterprise: I learnt from the best.

I laugh in response but rather than attempt to turn around so that I can see where we're going, I instead tell her to head for my carrier before leaning into her embrace. I remain like that, even as she aligns for landing, until she asks how to actually land.

Me: My carrier is long enough for you to simply land like you would on a normal, short runway.

She nods in response before focusing entirely on the landing. There is a slight bump when she touches down but it is otherwise smooth and as we finally come to a stop. The canopy is hardly open, however, before Jiangsu comes running over.

Jiangsu: That...was...awesome!

Zhejiang: Promise me you'll never try it.

Jiangsu: I...okay.

She looks slightly disheartened at that but as I jump down and ruffle her hair, she's back to her smiling self. Behind her, Dalian and Liang both make their way towards us with Xiao in tow and in the background yet another carrier sits just off my own. In fact, now that I'm looking, we're surrounded by an entire fleet of friendly vessels. I guess refilling the planes took longer than I thought.

Xiao: Who's the friend?

Me: Everyone, this is Enterprise.

Xiao immediately draws his gun and everyone else goes on high alert, everyone except for Dalian, Jiangsu and I. Jiangsu may not have known who she was prior but she's surely figured out by now that even if her name is Enterprise, she isn't the same one that sunk her big sis.

Xiao: You-

Me: Do you not see the relic we just came out of? 

I wave my hand at the ww2 plane behind us and whilst he still takes a while to get my meaning, Liang immediately understands and uses her own hand to force him to lower the gun.

Liang: So this is the original Enterprise. CV-6, am I correct?

Enterprise: The original?

Liang: Ah, well. You see, in our world, there are at minimum three of you that immediately come to mind. One is CV-6, the other is CVN-65 and the last is CVN-80. The latter is the ship that sank Zhejiang and later assisted in sinking Dalian. She was later sunken herself by Zhejiang but, well, you get the idea.

Enterprise: I see. Wait, how do you know about-

Liang: Zhejiang told us.

Enterprise gives me a look I can't quite place but before the conversation can continue, we're interrupted by Feng who comes over to inform us that the first squadron of pilots have reentered Chinese airspace successfully and have sent their thanks. 

Me: Our pleasure.

Liang: We should get underway as well, shouldn't we.

Xiao: I agree. Having our three most advanced carriers sitting this far from our shores is-

Me: Wait, so that ship is actually-

Jiangsu: It's our sister ship, the Fujian.

So they built more than just Jiangsu and me. I'm starting to think there's a lot I don't know about the couple of years I missed between me being sunken and returning to this world.

Liang: Wait, what are we going to do about-

She stops but still uses her hand to motion towards Enterprise. The act is simple enough yet stops everyone in their tracks. After all, it is a very important question and one that requires an answer.

Me: She's coming with me.

Xiao: But-

Me: I'll explain on the way.

He nods, not prying further and instead signalling to the rest of the fleet that we're going to be moving out momentarily. We have quite the force here. One could be forgiven for thinking we were planning an all-out attack or something. I guess they're really taking the advantage my sister and I pose seriously though based on how quickly everyone got here they must have sent the fleet the minute we got into contact and gave them our location. Then again, it could all be because Liang is his daughter.

3 Type 003 Carriers
5 Type 055 destroyers (including Dalian)
4 Type 052D destroyers
8 Type 054A frigates
2 Type 093A submarines
3 Fubai class transport oil tankers
1 Type 903 replenishment ship

In any case, it'll take some time for us to get back to the mainland so here's hoping we aren't attacked on the way!

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