Ch44: War on the Horizon

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Dalian: OH MY G-

Dalian's voice is cut off by a massive explosion in the distance. Quickly, Enterprise and I get dressed and rush to find the others. By the time we get to them, however, they are standing along the edge of a ridge overlooking a nearby town. This very town is currently being consumed by fire. It housed one of the publicly known nuclear launch sites so it doesn't take much to figure out the gravity of the situation.

Me: Jiangsu, launch all planes immediately. 

As I shout orders to everyone, I do the same. Positioning my body along the edge, I arm my carrier and prepare to launch all aircraft. Whilst getting ready, more missiles blast down through the clouds. Below, I can see civilians running about in a panic and know I need to protect them. Dalian must have thought something similar because her launch system opens up, firing missile after missile out toward those raining down on the people below. It proves a success as each missile hits the mark but we can't do anything about the unguided bombs that follow, shelling everything in their path and leaving nothing but charred rubble in their wake.

Me: Scour the skies for steal bombers and fighters. Prioritise finding and eliminating all B-2 and F-22 aircraft.

Liang: I'm trying to get into contact with HQ but there's nothing!

Dalian: Here, try my receiver.

Jiangsu: Launching!

Jiangsu's planes are the first to take off and the minute they're clear of the deck, they bank hard to the right before entering a vertical climb up towards the clouds above. Jiangsu relays that they've detected aircraft flying above and are moving to intercept but I doubt those aircraft are the stealth we're looking for. There's no way they'd fly this close to the target, right?

Jiangsu: Locked on!

Me: Fire at will once confirmed as hostile. 

Jiangsu: I-


Before us, the horizon lights up momentarily during which everything but the source of the light fades to black. Normalcy returns but is soon followed by a massive shockwave that blows the very trees around us from where they stand. Liang only manages to escape unharmed thanks to being protected by Enterprise who shields her using body and coat alike. 

At first, I think the light is the result of a nuclear attack but the lack of the signature mushroom cloud that often follows such attacks amongst others such as no electromagnetic interference tells me otherwise. It could very well have been a conventional warhead. They do have bombs of that variety capable of such.

Enterprise: What's going on?

Me: Your nation is attacking us again.

Enterprise: My nat...why?

We're cut off by a transmission coming through on military channels. It takes a while to break through all the chatter but eventually Liang succeeds in getting their attention and we're connected directly to Strategic Command. 

Liang: Yes, I have them all with me. Can we get an update?

HQ: We're currently being attacked by sea and air. However, the attacks themselves haven't escalated to that of a full-scale land invasion as yet. We're in the process of moving troops to the coastal regions to ensure a proper defence against naval invasions but are having a hard time with this as the enemy has complete air superiority and is preventing most of our fighters from taking to the sky. 

Me: We will assist in that regard.

HQ: How-

Me: Our aircraft are currently intercepting those within our vicinity. Once done, we can redeploy alongside allied aircraft currently pinned down here and use our combined force to either force the enemy to withdraw or distract them long enough for you to get the remainder airborne. 

HQ: Even with your assistance-

Me: We will succeed. Don't worry about us. As for naval invasions, dedicate the entire fleet to coastal defence.

HQ: But-

Me: We'll handle the enemy fleet. No need to sacrifice our own fleet unnecessarily. I'm sure the land-based SAM batteries working alongside our destroyers and frigates will be more than enough air defence for the fleet.

There's a pause on the other end before a new voice responds. Immediately recognisable, we all listen attentively as our orders are relayed.

Premier: Lady Zhejiang, your orders are as follows.

Me: I'm listening.

Premier: You and your team are to take command of all naval assets and drive back the enemy from our coast. You'll have the full support of the Army and Airforce to carry out this mission. 

Me: To what end?

Premier: Complete victory. You are authorised to eliminate all enemy presence within the Pacific Theatre including attacks against their mainland. You are authorised to target their nuclear launch sites in retaliation but nuclear attacks and attacks against nuclear power plants are still currently off limits. 

Me: and Civilian casualties?

Premier: What about them?

Me: I understand. We'll see it done.

Premier: I await your report. 

As we end the transmission, I turn to discuss the matter with the others but am suddenly hit by a blinding flash of light. All around me, the sounds of struggles can be heard. There are a few gunshots and a scream followed by shuffling feet and then silence. By the time my eyes have recovered, the source of the fight is gone and everyone lies along the ground only just recovering from whatever they were hit by. One person is very clearly missing, however.

Me: Enterprise!

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