Ch41: Choices

120 9 5

Enterprise's POV:

Why do I wish to join them? The current conflict they have has nothing to do with me and in truth, I should be trying to return to my world. Yes, that is certainly what I should be attempting to do and yet I feel no desire to push for that reality. I know the reason why but am I willing to face it?

Empress, Lady, Commander, Friend, Girlfriend, Enemy...they're all titles she's held at one point or another since the moment I met her. To think she's the one I fell for. I left the comfort of seclusion for her. I even crossed time and space for her. At this point, is there anything I wouldn't do if she asked?

What's wrong with me? This isn't right!

Looking up, I find the Premier still looking at me expectantly. I suppose I haven't replied yet. Glancing around, I find everyone smiling my way but the person I search for the most remains hidden for some time until I glance directly behind me. There she stands, perfect as ever, mouthing something towards me.

Zhejiang: You can do this.

She's right. This is nothing. Besides, I already know why I'm here.

Me: I wish to join you because Zhejiang-

Premier: Oh. Well, isn't that a surprise? It seems you have competition, daughter.

Liang: Father!

Everyone laughs and I join them but in reality, I feel a painful prick in my heart. What is this feeling? 

Premier: Now then, I believe there is a celebration which awaits us. Welcome home!

Everyone cheers as the entire crowd go ballistic once more. Again, jets thunder overhead and artillery sounds as they once again welcome their returning girls. It's quite the thing to witness, especially since no one has ever done it for me before. Even now, this celebration is still not for me.

Sigh...I shouldn't think like this. I need to be happy for Zhejiang's sake.

Zhejiang: Hey, are you alright?

She comes over and pulls me into an embrace as though I'm a lost sister she's just been reunited with and yet, the move gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Burying my head against her neck, I attempt to drown out everything and everyone and for a while I manage to accomplish this but not for long.

Jiangsu: Can we get ice creams? Please?

Zhejiang: Haha. I'm sure they've provided all you could ever desire.

Premier: If you come with me, we-

Jiangsu: No! I want to go with my sister!

All: Oh?


Premier: Seems you have even more, Liang.

Liang: Hmm?

The Premier gestures towards Jiangsu with his head as she gets lifted by Zhejiang and Liang smiles. I'm not sure how to feel about the adoration I see in her eyes.

Zhejiang: Say, why don't we all get off this ship?

Premier: Guar-

Zhejiang: Not necessary!

Liang: Definitely not!

Premier: Then promise me you won't end up halfway across the world again.

Both: I-

Me: I'll watch them all and ensure they remain safe.

Premier: Interesting. Very well. In the meantime, do enjoy the celebrations. We can deal with the details of you joining us at another time.

Me: I-

Before I know it, he's gone and on a helicopter flying off into the distance. 

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