Ch47: A Hostage Situation

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The sinking wreck of what once was the Queen Elizabeth and her two Daring class escorts is all that remains after a swift but deadly attack. Bombarding them from the sky as well as the sea proved overwhelming and once Dalian got close it was checkmate. As powerful as they might advertise their fancy destroyers, they are no match for true overwhelming firepower. Fleet air defence is good and all but useless against overwhelming numbers and conventional warheads. 

Me: [Target eliminated.]

HQ: [Finished already? Wait, how are you even there-]

Me: [Has the rest of the fleet moved into position?]

HQ: [No. Most of the fleet has been bogged down by naval forces stationed along the outer ring-]

Me: [Then we'll proceed without them.]

HQ: [But-]

Me: [The next target will be to reclaim territory which is rightfully ours.]

HQ: [Taipei?]

Me: [The very same.]

HQ: [But-]

Me: [Just get the army ready to move in. We'll disable their defences ourselves.]

There's a pause which I use to communicate the plan to Dalian and Jiangsu before the officer returns. 

HQ: [Understood. We'll await your success.]

Me: [Good.]

The minute the connection ends, we get into three of Jiangsu's jets before beginning the journey back towards the mainland. We've barely cleared the Persian gulf when a new transmission reaches us on the private network I use to talk to my sister and Dalian.

????: [Hello Zhejiang.]

Me: [Who the hell is this?]

????: [Now, now. I don't appreciate that tone.]

Me: [I don't give a damn. How did you get-]

????: [There's someone here that wishes to talk to you.]

Enterprise: [Zhejiang! Don't come looking-]

????: [Shut it!]

A loud thud comes across through the receiver making it clear to us that Enterprise was just hit. A small cry can be heard which tells me that she felt the hit which shouldn't generally be possible. It makes me wonder...

????: [Now, you will turn yourself in-]

Me: [Hahaha!]

????: [What's funny?]

Me: [You think I give a fuck?]

????: [What?]

Me: [Since you seemingly know about us, I'll go out on a whim and say that you've already figured out that she's useless in her current state. If you wanted me concerned then you should have taken someone of more value.]

????: [You think I am playing little girl?]

Me: [If you weren't she'd already be dead. Either way, I have better things to do.]

????: [You-]

I end the transmission before signalling to both Dalian and Jiangsu to switch to a different frequency to avoid the intruder from hearing anything else. 

Me: [Did you track down their location?]

Dalian: [Yep! Do you want to chart a course-]

Me: [No.]

Both: [What?]

Me: [Send it to HQ. Let them handle it.]

Dalian: [Are you sure?]

Me: [If the person holding Enterprise was capable of hurting her then there's a high chance they can also kill her in which case they could kill us. Considering that this could likely be a trap, it'd be stupid for us to put our nation's most prized assets all in danger unnecessarily. Besides, we already have a mission.]

Dalian: [I-]

Me: [If it makes you feel better, you could leave us and go with the team HQ will arrange.]

Dalian: [That's a-]

Me: [You'll be finding your own way there though. Jiangsu will need her plane.]

Despite the clouds between us at this very moment, I can feel Dalian staring holes into the side of my head. Laughing, I continue pressing toward our objective. Nothing will deter me from achieving complete victory, once and for all!

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