Ch51: World War Three (2)

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Leaning down from off the forefront of my carrier's deck, I redirect all power to propulsion systems before rocketing off towards the enemy. My ship breaks apart from the force but follows after me in the form of fluorescent cubes. As they're absorbed back into my body, I arm my flight deck and HQ-10 surface-to-air missile system. Outfitted with the newly developed PL-16 missiles, I am eager to test their effectiveness.

Me: [Xiao, I'll take control of our centre so-]

Xiao: [I'll be north? That was my plan from the start. Don't worry, I'll delay them long enough for you to finish with what you're doing.]

Me: [Perfect...Jiangsu?]

Jiangsu: [Yep?]

Me: [Support him as necessary but don't forget your-]

Jiangsu: [I know, I know...and I will.]

Smiling, I leave it at that before continuing with my charge forward. Once I'm within visual range of the enemy fleet, however, I break my charge in favour of staying just along the horizon. The minute I'm settled, I launch exactly half of my planes. 

Immediately, I draw the attention of the enemy force who this time seems fully aware of my existence as they quickly find and target me with guns. I easily dodge the slow-moving projectiles with small yet precise movements to the left and right but seconds later missiles follow thus forcing my AA batteries to open fire. 

As explosions sound overhead, I try to close the distance to the nearest ship but am forced back by the unrelenting assault of the many destroyers and frigates shielding their primary formation. It isn't until my own launched aircraft turns around and launch an attack from the sky that I earn any bit of respite, brief though it turns out to be.

Xiao: [How are things on your end?]

Me: [They are putting up quite the resistance.]

Xiao: [Sounds fun. Whatever you're doing seems to be working though.]

Me: [What do you mean?]

Xiao: [You haven't heard?]

Me: [Stays silent.]

Xiao: [They're diverting most of their forces to fight against you.]

Me: [I see.]

Xiao: [Why do I not hear an "I will retreat to safety" in that "I see"?]

Me: [You know me. Besides, as you so eloquently put it, "sounds fun".]

Despite my jovial banter, it quickly becomes clear that I'm being boxed in. Abandoning all logic, the enemy's destroyers all lunge forward and quickly begin enveloping me. I could easily, even now, break free by simply returning the way I came but choose an evermore outlandish action in return. I countercharge.

Thanks to my airborne aircraft, I'm able to get a complete oversight of the immediate fleet facing me

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Thanks to my airborne aircraft, I'm able to get a complete oversight of the immediate fleet facing me. What I encounter is shocking. Even as I charge forth, it forces me to contemplate whether charging is the right decision after all. There before me, behind the screening armada, lies not one but five aircraft carriers accompanied by two Iowa class Battleships. The carriers are of little consequence but if even one of those 16-inch shells hit me...

Me: [Jiangsu, arm your carrier and relocate toward the back of the fleet. All other ships, screen her retreat.]

Jiangsu: [What's going on?]

Me: [Two of the four battleships are fighting in the centre and will be within range of you soon.]

Jiangsu: [Can't we just sink-]


The deafening sound momentarily disorients me long enough for the shells to reach my position. As they explode around me, I'm knocked back and sent under the waves only emerging some metres away from where I'd just been.

Me: [Hurry!]

Xiao: [If you're referring to the Iowa class then one is heading your way from the north.]

Dalian: [Another is heading your way from the south. We tried destroying it but it seems they've ordered them only to fight you as the minute we engaged it began retreating whilst shielded by the rest of the task force attempting to break our blockade of Taipei.]

Xiao: [Do you need assistance?]

Me: [I'll be fine. If they want to prioritise me then so be it. Keep to your missions and seize any opportunities that may arise with them flooding towards me.]

All: [Understood.]

Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck! Why did I do that? I should have asked for their help...Sigh...too late now. 

Firing off the rest of my aircraft, I make myself as light as possible before charging once more. This time, I look out for muzzle flashes and the minute I see them I move to a different location using my speed and maneuverability as a KANSEN to full effect.

Explosions go off around me as I continue charging forward but the closer I get the further away freedom seems. I'm now completely surrounded by their destroyer-frigate screening force and yet as I continue charging in a straight line I can't seem to get through to the other side. It's as if more and more ships keep reinforcing the front.

Me: [All squadrons, clear a path for me.]

My bombers are the first to complete, carpet bombing everything in my predicted path. They succeed in disabling many destroyers though none are sunken. The frigates prove harder to hit but I easily evade their futile attempts to shoot me as I continue rushing forward.

We continue like this for sometime, my planes attacking the enemy allowing me to charge forward another few hundred metres before being blocked again. By the time I finally manage to break through, however, I find myself face to face with both battleships whose guns are directly pointed at me. 


Not even bothering to fire each gun one by one, they let loose every 16-inch gun all at once. The sheer force of the blast sends both battleships hurtling backwards sending waves towards the nearby arleigh burke destroyer behind them. I'm not allowed the time to even think before the shells reach me.


Pain rips through my body as everything goes white before quickly being replaced with an ominous black. This is the end, isn't it?

Unable to even feel my body, I relay one last command to my aircraft.

Me: [Execute new orders with immediate effect.]

I feel the details relayed not just to my own aircraft but to all allied vessels within the area despite it not being my intention to do so. I also feel my SOS signal released but there's nothing I can do as I slowly fade into nothingness.

????: [Notice. SELF protocols initiated. Defence systems online. All SELF systems confirmed operational.]

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