Ch48: Rescue Op

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Liang's POV:

I was surprised by Zhejiang's request for us to rescue Enterprise, not because she wanted her rescued but because she didn't decide to go and get her herself. So I asked her about it and as it turns out, the person holding Enterprise may very well have the means to kill KANSEN which would indeed prove problematic though I doubt they would do so. After all, if they wanted her dead and possessed the means to do so then they could have killed them all when they grabbed Enterprise. No, there has to be more to the picture.

Fenhua: Admiral, we're approaching the location.

Me: Remember, land far enough away that we won't be spotted.

Fenhua: I'll remind the pilots.

If she knew I was personally leading the mission to rescue her friend she'd probably kill me but this is something I must do. Just thinking of how mad she'd get while worrying for my safety causes me to smile though. She's so caring. Truly, what did we...I do to deserve her?

Fenhua: We're here.

Climbing out of the chopper, I watch as the Falcon Commando Unit dispatched alongside me fan out to secure the area as another helicopter lands to drop off yet more men. Usually, only a squad would be sent in but given the delicacy of this mission, I'm taking no chances. Losing Enterprise, even though she's an American vessel, would be a critical blow to our war effort. Not only would it remove one of our most valuable assets but it'd likely also cause Zhejiang to stop fighting or at the very least limit her effectiveness. Given she's our most prized asset both militarily and politically, such cannot be allowed and so my father has elected to deploy the entire unit alongside me. A bit overkill but...

Me: Commander Fenhua

Fenhua: Yes, Admiral?

Me: Bring our girl in safely. Whatever it takes.

He nods before moving out to join the rest of his men. The mission details are fairly simple. The vast majority of our forces will remain in wait, surrounding the property whilst three squads of men close in from three sides. Another two squadrons will approach the property from above, timing their arrival with that of those on the ground so that we'll attack from the roof as well as the ground. Nearby, helicopters armed with air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry standby at the ready-to-provide assistance should it be required while the scouting parties we'd sent in advance maintain sniper positions around the complex just in case. They even airdropped a couple of tanks and armoured infantry vehicles. In my humble opinion, this is way too much but if it works it works. 

Officer: [All squads are in position.]

Fenhua: [You have 3 minutes to find and secure the target. Breach!]

Silence follows for a few seconds before the sounds of gunfire can be heard. Sporadic chatter comes across the radio before all sounds cease. I'm left jittery, wondering if we won or lost but Fenhua seems unphased. 

Me: Well?

Fenhua: Now we wait.

Time seems to move slowly as I pace back and forth awaiting the slightest bit of news. Now I understand why Zhejiang always seems to jump head first into problems herself rather than send others. Waiting on the results is so...Uggghh. 

I am seconds away from just requesting an all out attack when news finally reaches us of the breaching teams' progress. 

Officer: [We've located the target but have lost track of the kidnapper.]

Fenhua: [Explain.]

Officer: [Well, er, sir...she vanished.]

Me: [She?]

Fenhua: [Vanished?]

Officer: [A female in dark clothing with what looked like tentacles protruding from her body was in the room with the target at the time of entry. We attempted to subdue her but she vanished before our eyes.]

Could the female they saw have been one of the SIRENs Zhejiang mentioned when she first came back to us? 

Me: Fenhua, pass me the comms.

He hands it to me and after some finicking, I manage to connect with Zhejiang who I immediately tell about what the men relayed to me. She seems surprised and a bit worried by the news, requesting that we stay on our guard but when I suggest she comes to join us, she refuses. I get the feeling that she wants me to insist that she comes as we end the transmission but oh well.

Me: Fenhua, have the men be ready for anything. If she is what i think she is then it'll take all that we have and more to so much as slow her down.

Fenhua: Is she like our target?

Me: She could very well be even stronger.

He nods before heading off to inform everyone. As I watch him depart, a sound behind me startles me into turning around only to find a limping Enterprise being assisted by one of the soldiers sent in to rescue her. 

Me: What are you doing-

Officer: She insisted on walking herself, ma'am.

I glare at her but quickly soften as I witness the broken expression on her face. For someone usually so vibrant to be this silent...I wonder what they did to her.

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