Ch45: World News Update

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Breaking news! War has broken out in the Pacific! At approximately 15:00 hours, the combined forces of the United States, Japan, Australia, the Philippines and Taiwan blitzed Chinese military installations in and around the Chinese mainland. Early reports indicate minimal civilian casualties but numbers are expected to rise as the conflict escalates. As of this time, there has been no reported response from the Chinese military. 

In other news, the Kremlin has declared its unconditional support for its ally and stands ready and willing to assist the people of China both economically and militarily should the need arise. However, there's been no reports of Russian military movements since the declaration. The same cannot be said for the DPRK which has already begun mass mobilisation along the border with South Korea. 

As of this moment, there has been no official declaration of war from any of the involved parties...wait...I'm receiving new info-

This is just in! The Chinese Navy is...retreating? Are we certain this is correct?


It has been confirmed that Chinese forces are collapsing inwards under the pressure of the combined efforts of the allied forces. In addition, the nations of France and the United Kingdom have declared their support for what the newly reformed allied powers are calling a military operation to contain "Chinese Aggression". No other NATO nation has joined said operation at this time but it is expected that more will follow or at the very minimum raise their military readiness in preparation for the almost certain retaliation that will follow.


Chinese state media are reporting that the nation's Air Force has successfully wrestled control of the skies back from hostile forces and has complete Air Superiority. This has yet to be confirmed by the White House but we'll continue updating you as more info becomes available.


It has been a little over 3 hours since the start of this operation and yet there has been no official response from the Chinese Government. Political Analysts worldwide fear that this could mean they are plotting something devious, however, military analysts predict this is merely a delaying tactic to by their military enough time to move into position without further allowing other nations to join the conflict on the basis that they declared war.

The Republic of Korea (South Korea) has begun mobilisation to counter North Korean aggression along the border. However, despite this declaration, many already question the government's true motive as the North had already begun moving a significant portion of their military inland towards the border with China and Russia. Furthermore, there are mass demonstrations in Japan against the nation's involvement and subsequent breaking of its Neutral diplomatic stance on world politics. Police forces have been armed and are currently busy attempting to suppress the riots but this is proving challenging as local gangs have taken it up themselves to protect the civilians from government forces. 


The United States of America has officially retracted its agreement with China over its recognition of Chinese claims on Taiwan as legitimate. In the new document released by the White House to national media outlets, the government firmly stands by Taiwan and will support its independence unconditionally. As with all declarations following the beginning of this operation, all Chinese representatives have refused to comment. However, the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. has declared that it has permanently ceased operations and issued a Public Safety warning for all Chinese citizens still within the United States. The warning issued states that all citizens are to leave the USA immediately by any and all means necessary. 

The US government has responded by stating that it will allow Chinese citizens to leave and travel to any nation of their choice with the exception of Asian nations including but not limited to China, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea. Political analysts have stated that this is likely due in part to the fact that US citizens are still located within China alongside its own diplomatic missions and in order to ensure their safety, the same needed to be granted to Chinese citizens,

It should be noted that neither nation has officially expelled the diplomatic mission of the other. However, whilst US Embassy operations remain active inside China and all other Asian nations, all Chinese missions within the US including the Embassy have ceased. 


It's only been 5 hours since the breakout of this conflict but NATO and EU leaders have met and discussed the current state of affairs in an emergency meeting held remotely. In a rather surprising turn of events, Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal all declared their intention to assist the United States in their mission to contain China. The declaration was met with a public declaration of mass mobilization by Russia, India and Mongolia. The Arabic states of Iran, Egypt and Jordan have also begun mass mobilization which has earned similar responses from both Saudi Arabia and Israel, the latter of which is already reporting skirmishes with unidentified groups along the Syrian border.

Russian military assets currently within the Middle East have all been recalled and it has been reported that more than 50% of all military assets have already left the region with the remainder moving from Syria through Iraq to Iran after receiving proper authorisation from the Iraqi government which has otherwise declared its intent to remain Neutral. British presence nearby has intensified with the arrival of the carrier R08 Queen Elizabeth and the accompanying Daring class destroyers, HMS Daring and HMS Dragon. The strike group is set to be reinforced by additional forces currently located within the Indian Ocean comprised of the frigates HMS Portland and HMS Kent. It is also expected that nearby American and French vessels will also be reinforcing the sole allied carrier within the region. 


Breaking News - The Indian Navy has blocked all allied efforts to reinforce the British carrier strike group currently located within the Persian Gulf. Currently in a standoff are:

Indian Navy

Carriers: INS Vikrant and INS Vikramaditya
Destroyers: INS Kolkata, INS Kochi, INS Chennai, INS Delhi, INS Rana
Frigates: INS Trikand, INS Teg, INS Trishul, INS Talwar, INS Shivalik
Corvettes: INS Kora, INS Kirch, INS Kulish, INS Karmuk

Allied Navy

Cruisers: USS Shiloh
Destroyers: FAN Aquitaine, FAN Normandie, USS Gonzalez, USS Halsey
Frigates: HMS Kent, HMS Portland

We've reached out to relevant parties for comments and the Secretary of Defense had this to say:

"What we are seeing here is unprecedented and while I'd love to be able to give you a proper response, truth be told, we are trying to prevent the current situation from escalating further. Do I think they'll let us through? Yes. When? Only time will tell. However, we will not be firing on any Indian vessels. Neither will we attempt to force our way past thus needlessly aggravating them into open conflict. Refer to the Secretary of State for more information but this is the military's stance, currently."

Take from that statement what you will, however, with the Indian people already demonstrating against the war political and military analysts alike have stated that it would be unwise for the US or any other allied nation to attack thus aggravating the people into choosing war in retaliation. 


and Jenny Parker lines up to take the shot-

Breaking News! The People's Republic of China has declared war on the entirety of NATO, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, Australia and Taiwan. The Russian Federation and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have both declared their support for China and have likewise declared war. Reports are already emerging of Russian troops pushing across the borders into the Baltic States from within Russia and Belarus. The latter has not officially declared for or against the former but with the large amount of amassed Russian troops within their border, they are unlikely to go against them. Is this the start of World War Three? I-

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