Ch24: Huānyíng huílái, zhèjiāng

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We're currently heading back to the coast. It's been a day since the battle and since then we haven't had any run-ins with any hostile forces. Liang has already reported my ship's return to our government but made sure to leave out any information regarding me other than the fact that I was on board when they arrived and I think I know why. Still, it's only a matter of time before they find out about my existence.

The news of my return spread like wildfire over the entire nation. From what we've gathered, the government is selling it as a divine sign that the heavens are fighting on our side and the people are buying it. I guess the situation was looking pretty desperate for a while if they are all rallying behind my sudden reappearance like this.

Sure enough, as our fleet pulls into the harbour, I can see endless streams of people cheering along from the shore. There are signs marked "Welcome Home Zhejiang!" all over. The government too is pulling out all the stops. Jet's thunder overhead in formation as smaller planes drag banners with similar writing along. There are fireworks and songs, gun salutes and all. It's all overwhelming and even I can't stop the tears from gushing forward.

Towboats take over and guide my ship up to the dock as we dock safely and begin disembarking. Now that I am outside, I can hear the true scale of the singing and cheers and it's almost deafening.

Liang: I bet the fact that your sister ship was the one to bring you back is only adding fuel to their fire!

I look at Liang in surprise then back at the carrier that just brought me here. I had noticed it was similar but it never occurred to me that it was my sister ship.

Me: It's actually my sister?

Liang: Yeah! I forgot to mention that, didn't I? This ship is called Jiangsu and I guess in this situation, she'd indeed be your sister.

I'm again taken by surprise at the revelation but I don't get much time to process it as men arrive to escort us away. They reach forward to take me but Liang stops them and tells them that she's going to take me elsewhere first. They protest but she all but commands them to leave and they, after a while, relent but remain close by stating that they are to guard me and ensure my safety until I am brought before the president.

She accepts, seemingly happy that they'll indeed be staying behind. I'm not sure why but she seems concerned for my safety. To further prove this fact, she even goes as far as to provide them with orders on how exactly to ensure my safety and instruct them specifically that no one is to be allowed to disturb us as we travel around together.

They comply and before long, our party is making its way towards the lines of people up ahead. They cheer and sing praises for the crew who brought my ship back and I can't help but giggle at just how excited everyone seems to be over a ship. It's as though they expect me to single-handedly change the fate of the world or something.

As we walk through the crowd, through the path cleared by military personnel, the cheers grow louder and louder. Liang waves and encourages me to do the same. I do and this seems to excite them even more though I don't realize why until the sound of my ship's horn reaches me.


Quickly lowering my hand but now dying with laughter, I finally make it to the waiting cars but instead of going in, Liang takes my hand and leads me past them and across the street.

Me: Aren't we-

Liang: I'm sure you'd prefer exploring the city a bit first before entering a long boring meeting with some old men.

Me: Is that-

Liang: It'll be fine. Now...just enjoy yourself. This is all for you after all.

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