Ch14: Operation Sunset (1)

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We're on our way to the Sakura Empire after being informed by Yat Sen of a most disturbing fact. The Sakura Empire might very well possess a bomb similar to the atomic bombs used from my own world's history of ww2 and after. It's a very serious threat indeed and as such, everyone that was at the base and weren't crucial for its defence is travelling with us to take part in the attack. This means that a lot of younger girls are coming as well but as unfortunate as this is, we simply can't risk not bringing them. Much like its counterpart in my own world, the Sakura Empire aren't weak by any means. One could even go as far as to suggest that theirs is one of the largest navies in this world. Of course, quantity isn't everything but even quality has its limits. I learnt this when they broke through my own defences and got to me.

I managed to fend them all off on my own but I did still take damage from that fight thus showing I'm not at all invincible. What's more, if there were a ton of submarines in that fight, I'm sure I wouldn't have lasted. After all, one can only prioritize one or the other. A single ship can't repel both a surface fleet and a submerged fleet if they both attack at the same time. Even with more advanced technology like myself, I'd simply be overwhelmed thanks to sheer numbers. It's for this reason that I all but demanded that the younger girls also take part in the battle. Without them, we'd surely fall into the same situation. Sure, we will still be outnumbered thanks to the mass-produced siren they no doubt have but at the very least now we'll have enough girls to take on both the sirens and the kansen at the same time.

Dalian: Please don't go ahead of everyone again.

Dalian says this as she comes up to my side. We're travelling in formation to make sure that the carriers aren't threatened by mines or submarines but she must have broken that formation to get to me. Looking at her, I smile. She's still worried about me. The very least I can do is try to put her mind at ease.

Me: Don't worry, neither I nor Enterprise plan on going anywhere near the frontlines. Vestal did all but ban us from doing so after all.

Enterprise who's beside me chuckles at that but Dalian doesn't seem too convinced. I suppose by now she knows me well enough that such a command wouldn't stop me from doing what I want and it seems even Enterprise is like that.

Dalian: Promise?

Me: Would you prefer to stay with us and be our guard to make sure?

She lights up at that. I'm not sure why it never occurred to me before but this might well have been what she was after all along. I keep forgetting that she hates not being by my side, especially after what happened in the past and kept on happening in this world.

Dalian: Yes!

Enterprise, unable to contain her laughter anymore, erupts into a laughing fit. Ignoring her entirely, I smile at Dalian and pull her into my arms. She comes willingly and we stay together like that for a while.

Sometime later, Elizabeth announces over the comms that we are approaching the Empire's waters. We've been avoiding using the comms so far as well as sending out any planes to avoid detection from a long-range as much as possible but now that we are here, it'd be foolish not to launch our planes now. Still, only my planes would have the ability to launch from here and handle things on their own.

Me: Psst. Dalian. Time to wake up.

Dalian, who had fallen asleep in my arms, opens her eyes to find her head resting squarely on my shoulder. Surprised and perhaps a bit embarrassed that she'd fallen asleep, she tries to separate from me too quickly and almost causes us both to fall but I catch us both at the last minute.

Dalian: Sorry!

Me: It's fine, really. Nothing to worry about. I'm happy you got some sleep as well. You've been spending an unhealthy amount of time worrying after all.

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