Ch4: Pride of the Nation

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It's been a few weeks since our makeshift meeting. Things have been progressing rather smoothly. We've completed additional upgrades to the naval base which they've taken to simply calling Liaoning and as a result have also upped its defences. We've also further developed the city around said base, turning it into a hub of trade and technological advancements. Civilians from all across the Empire all flock to what they're now calling, the capital city. It took some getting used to but I think I'm also finally getting used to everyone addressing me like royalty. It has a nice ring to it.

Dalian: I think that's the last of the construction material.

Me: I'm surprised to see you helping the common folk with construction.

Dalian: Well, we Kansen are stronger than they are so it only makes sense. Besides, they're the ones who are adapting the knowledge we brought over quickly.

Me: You do have a point. I was surprised to see how fast they were able to build the things we described.

Dalian: Industrious as ever.

We both chuckle as we continue overseeing the construction of a new residential complex, proceed as planned. It's good that everyone's getting along a lot better now. When we first arrived, there was a sense of gloom and despair in the citizenry. I think they were losing faith in the current system. Perhaps too many defeats at the hands of the enemy or maybe it's something else entirely. I have no idea and I didn't feel like asking. No need to dig up old wounds after all. The important thing, however, is that we keep moving forward and it seems everyone agrees.

Yat-Sen: The first patrol group has just reported in. They finished their patrol route without any incidents and are now heading back.

Me: That's good to hear. Have the second group meet them halfway. We can afford to have no one out there for even a few minutes.

She nods and leaves. Even without looking, I can feel Dalian's eyes boring into the side of my head.

Me: What is it?

Dalian: Nothing. It's just that you're good at this.

Me: Good at what, exactly?

Dalian: Leading. I'll admit, I was a bit sceptical given you really hated the idea but you've adapted rather well.

Me: I'm going to take that as a compliment.

Dalian: As it was meant to be.

The conversation falls into yet another peaceful break of silence as we continue watching the people work, occasionally stepping in to offer assistance or advice but mainly just watching from the sidelines. I'll admit, I thought there'd by far more "work" involved with leading but as it turns out, having a secretary really lifts a large chunk of that work off my own shoulders. Still, I can't help but worry that Yat-Sen will overwork herself. She seems rather happy with her new position but even so, I sometimes have to force her to take a break and we've only been doing this for a short amount of time. Imagine how stressed she'll be after a year or two!

Dalian: If you want, I can always help her out with some of the work, you know.

Me: Hmm?

Dalian: You're thinking about Yat-Sen again, no?

It's eerie how easily Dalian can read me. It sometimes scares me, to be honest. It's as though I'm an open book laid out before her. Still, it sometimes helps us get through situations without speaking words so it's not all bad.

Me: Well, I'd most certainly rest easier at night knowing she's being helped but I fear it wouldn't do her any good.

Dalian: Oh?

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