Ch36: Reunited

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Enterprise: I...I found you!

Me: What are you doing here?

Jiangsu: What's going on?

Dalian: Who's this and why are there so many unconscious men and women on your carrier?

As the questions keep flooding in, my head begins hurting and I wince in pain. Enterprise notices and further tightens her embrace around me as if to support me but as she does the sound of battle erupts overhead. 


There above the clouds, the aircraft I'd launched locked on to missiles fired by the enemy and shot them down one after the other, reminding me in the process that we were far from safe.

Dalian: What's going on?

Me: Long story but the short of it is we're currently under attack by American aircraft and were under attack by that submarine there.

As I point towards the submarine, Jiangsu's sirens go off mere seconds before her aa systems light up. A wall of lead forms between the carrier and the incoming missiles but they don't get to meet as her own aircraft down the missiles before they manage to close in for an attempt at scoring a hit.

Me: Jiangsu, target their planes specifically. We can handle the incoming missiles. Dalian, you'll need to arm yourself. Enterprise...try not to get hit. You're not built to withstand an attack from these.

Enterprise: But...I want to help.

Me: The people attacking us right now are from your own nation.

Enterprise: What?

Me: You're in the world Dalian and I came from now and the Eagle Union here is known as the United States of America. By attempting to assist us, you'd be inadvertently going against your own nation.

She pauses at that but I don't have the time to wait on her response and so after pointing out that the men currently unconscious on the deck are also from her nation and that she should move them inside, I head off with Dalian to establish a proper perimeter around my sister's carrier.

As we spread out, I order all my aircraft to move into a defensive pattern then slow down to allow my helicopters, which had been scouring the ocean for other submarines, to return. 

Enterprise: I want to help.

Turning, I find Enterprise standing behind me, ready for battle. Knowing that she'd choose me over her nation puts a smile on my face but despite it, I still berate her for putting herself at risk. She refuses to leave my side again, however, so we compromise. If she stays close to me I should be able to protect her from incoming fire and she'll get to remain by my side. However, I still doubt she'll be any good in this fight as the battle is mostly taking place at heights, speeds and distances that her aircraft simply cannot hope to match.

????: [PLAN Zhejiang, this is Captain Feng of the PLAN Nanchang. We are approaching bearing 130 degrees. Any updates we should be aware of?]

Me: [Not much that won't be easier to explain once you get here. However, maintain high alert as we're currently under attack by enemy aircraft.]

Feng: [So it is true then, war has-]

Me: [I highly doubt this has anything to do with them declaring war, It is most likely closer to a minor confrontation than an all-out assault.]

Feng: [Can you hold out until we arrive?]

Me: [Easily. However, the main threat we are currently facing is that one of the three carriers present is unable to change due to other personnel being on board. If we can ferry them to you, we'll be safely out of harm's way but you yourselves will become the main target.]

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