Ch11: Green Light (2)

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The exercise has been going on for some time now. Dalian's busy confirming hits and organizing the replacement of destroyed targets. To accomplish this, she's making full use of not just my helicopters but her own as well. Our audience has also grown by quite a bit as the girls from the base have joined me on my ship. Some pull their ships alongside ours to make more room for everyone to watch. Still, the one person I'm looking for hasn't arrived yet.

[Mercury Squadron on final approach for refuelling.]

Me: Hey girls! Clear the deck!

At first, they don't immediately understand what I'm referring to with some thinking I meant to get off the ship completely but it's not long before the thundering of approaching engines summons their attention where they see jets coming in.

Cleveland: Clear the way! Clear-


The explosive sound of the afterburner kicking in causes some of the girls to jump overboard in fright as the Su-57 aborts and goes around for another go. Laughing, I walk over to show those that remain where to stand before directing the rest of the aircraft to land.

Cleveland: These are some pretty cool planes.

Me: Why thank you. Want to go in one?

Cleveland: Can I?

Me: Haha. No.

Cleveland pouts but quickly returns to admiring the planes as they head down to refuel. Everythings going smoothly so far. Still, my body aches occasionally thus telling me something's still wrong but I can't figure out what it is.

Enterprise: What about me? Can I try?

I turn to find Enterprise stepping onboard behind me from one of the nearby ships. She looks as good as I'm feeling. Smiling, I return to observing the deck as two of the planes from the Mercury squadron return to the flight deck fully armed and ready. As they lock into place to be launched, a thought occurs to me and I stop them from taking off. I inform my ship to prepare a J-16 for me before turning to face Enterprise fully.

Me: Come with me.

Grabbing Enterprise's hand, I bring her below deck and have her change into one of the flight suits. She comments that she's a tough girl and doesn't need it but I simply ignore her and put on my own suit before stripping her myself and forcing her to put it on. She's caught off guard by this but quickly recovers and begins to tease me while I dress her.

Enterprise: You know, if you wanted to see-

Me: In your dreams. Now come before I change my mind...and you'll need this.

Enterprise: A helmet? You know-

Me: You'll need it and no it has nothing to do with how tough you are.

She stops complaining and follows me back up the stairs but once we're back on deck, she resumes her teasing. Cleveland sees us and comes over spouting all sorts of facts about how it's unfair that Enterprise is getting to go in one but I simply laugh and promise her she can go after she gets used to flying. By the time we finish talking to Cleveland, the J-16 I had requested locks into place on the 3rd catapult (EMALS).

Me: [Dalian. I'm taking a short break. You can take over command for me until I return.]

Dalian: [Really? You aren't just messing with me again, are you?]

Me: [Haha. I'm being serious. The ship's yours till I return. The helicopters should be able to continue without your direct commands for a time. I-]

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