Ch10: Green Light (1)

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[Damage Assessment Complete. All Systems Operational. All resources replenished. Diagnostics check complete. All Systems Operational. Preparing for Field Testing. Requesting permission to execute.]

Me: [Execute.]

The thundering sound of my jets being launched 4 at a time fills the bay. It's surely woken everyone up. I didn't want to do this here but I doubt they'd forgive me for going off on my own again and probably getting myself killed in the process.

[Initial Launch Successful.]

Me: [Continue as planned. Launch all aircraft and run a full weapons test. Then move on to test recovery, speed and so on.]

[Confirmed. Commencing operation.]

From where I am standing, on my ship's deck in the middle of the bay, I can see people gathering on the shore. It's barely dawn but so many persons are awake. Sorry, everyone. Hopefully, they aren't worried that there's another attack or something. Turning back around, I watch as four more jets take off. Since I am not using my KANSEN form, they're being limited by their natural limitations. As in my previous world, planes could only take off four at a time as there were only four catapults. In my KANSEN form, however, they don't use said catapults and are instead fired off like bullets from a machine gun.

[Deployment of Targets complete.]

Me: [Good, have those helicopters return and prepare one of them for me. I'd like to watch this personally.]

[Confirmed. One Harbin Z-9 en route for pick-up.]

Overhead, the 8 aircraft that have taken off so far perform a formation fly-by. Included are one Shaanxi Y-11, three Shenyang J-16 and four Sukhoi Su-57. As they pass by, four more planes take off and almost immediately go vertical, barely managing to avoid those flying by. As those four planes continue to climb it occurs to me that I should have some patrols out to prevent a repeat of the same situation.

Me: [All Su-57 currently airborne...form up immediately. Your Squadron name for today will be Mercury. You are being tasked with patrol within a 100 - 150 mile radius of the ship. Report any military activity you come across that's not originating from this base or the ship.]

Su-57#1: [Mercury confirmed. Proceeding to designated airspace.]

The four that were flying in formation with the other planes break off and begin ascending. They're quickly joined by the four that just took off. In all, there are 8 planes in this squadron. Usually, I'd have more aircraft perform this kind of mission but we still need to run a full test and can only afford to spare so many.

Before long, half of the planes are already up. So far, things have been going smoothly. Things have been going as planned. The sun's already risen indicating that, at the very least, I didn't wake everyone up too early. Still, I am a bit surprised no one has come to check what's going on. I guess Dalian must have told them there's nothing to worry about. Looking back, I find I still have a lot of spectators. Smiling to myself, I have my ship lift anchor and set off.

We've been performing takeoff operations whilst standing still but now it's time to see how things will progress while we're moving.

[Harbin Z-9 Refuelling complete. Ready for takeoff.]

Right. I had forgotten I'd requested that. In fact, I'd even forgotten that the helicopters had already returned from setting up the mock targets.

Me: Thanks. Maintain op-

Dalian: Good Morning!

I turn to find Dalian on my deck, her ship forming up behind her indicating she used her KANSEN form to get on board. I didn't even see or hear her approaching. I guess that's the advantage of being smaller than your actual ship. Besides, there's no way I'd have heard her approaching earlier given the constant take-offs. Then again, she was built for stealth.

Me: Good Morning. Hope I didn't worry you.

Dalian: Actually, it was a relief to see you back in the water. I thought...

Smiling, I walk over and pull her into a hug. With the way she's constantly worrying about me, you'd think she's the older of the two of us. By the time I release her the Harbin Z-9 that's been prepared for me has already started its engine. Looking between Dalian and the helicopter, a thought comes to mind.

Me: Say, want to help me?

Dalian: Sure!

Me: You don't even know what I am asking for help with. Suppose I were to tell you to stand over there as the target!

Fear fills her eyes as she starts backing away slightly. Laughing, I grab her hand before she can make a run for it and reel her in. After managing to convince her that I'm not actually looking to use her as a target as means of punishment, I fill her in on my actual plan and before long, she's inside the chopper being airlifted to the site. Her ship remains behind, beside mine, just at the entrance of the bay. We can't have either ship being attacked by accident during this exercise after all.

Me: [Mercury, how's it looking?]

Su-57#1: [All clear.]

Me: [Excellent. All aircraft, prepare for weapons testing. All targets are marked with red. Be advised, there are allied forces within the area so confirm targets before firing.]

Dalian: [I've arrived on site.]

Me: [Perfect timing. Begin Exercise!]

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