Ch3: Call Me Empress

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It's been a few days since Dalian and I arrived in this strange world. We've gotten accustomed to things now and have formed stronger bonds with the girls of Dragon Empery who have taken to calling me their Empress. It's amusing, to say the least, but I'm quite certain they don't really mean it in the way it could be taken. After all, why would anyone make someone they just met their monarch?

Regardless, we've been aiding them in reconstruction, particularly to our home port in Liaoning. Together, both Dalian and I were able to modify their existing infrastructure to work with our more advanced designs. Of course, we are limited by the technology of this time but at the very least we can now make repairs if we are damaged. Now Dalian and I are sitting on the beach near the naval base basking in the sun.

Dalian: I miss the noise.

Surprised at her remark, I turn to face her. She's looking out to sea seemingly lost in thought. Unsure of whether she was speaking directly to me or merely thinking out loud, I decide to respond but keep my voice low enough that if she isn't speaking to me, she won't notice I spoke.

Me: Too quiet here?

Dalian: Fewer people. Fewer vehicles. Less noise.

Me: I don't know. It has its own charm. Back home you'd be hard-pressed to find this same beach not rolled with people.

She laughs, turning to face me, wrapping her legs beneath her in the process.

Dalian: So you prefer it here then.

Me: Well, I never really got to experience much of our world so I can't say which I'd prefer.

A look of guilt passes over her facial features and she looks away but I reach up and turn her face back towards mine.

Me: Hey, it's not your fault.

Dalian: You keep saying so but I can't forget that we were there. I was there solely to protect you and I failed.

Me: No. You kept my sailors safe and made sure everyone made it back safely.

Dalian: But-

Me: No buts. It was my own crew's lack of experience that ultimately led to my demise. You more than outperformed yourself in keeping the enemy at bay for hours allowing me to complete the mission I had set out to do.

She doesn't seem too convinced but she relents knowing that this isn't a fight she can win. Leaning down, she rests her head in my lap. We stay like this for a while until someone interrupts our peaceful retreat.

Tai: Uhm-

Me: Ready?

Tai: Yep.

Me: We'll be there soon.

As soon as Tai Yuan leaves, Dalian groans and buries her head even further into my lap. Giggling to myself, I run my fingers through her hair before leaning down to whisper in her hair.

Me: I thought you preferred noise.

She bolts up and I burst into laughter once more as she fans away my attempts to pull her back into my lap. After a few more teases here and there, we both stand and begin making our way to the base. It's a short but scenic walk which Dalian doesn't fail to take full advantage of, stopping every so often to point out the indigenous fauna all around us. Still, I can't help but feel she's merely delaying the inevitable and soon enough, we join the others on the pier.

Yat-Sen: We've spoken at length about it and we've agreed to make you our leader.

Me: What? Why?

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