He said it cheerfully.

Could it be that the relationship between Gentz-san and the guild master wasn’t as simple as one between a subordinate and a superior?

However, that is unrelated to me, so I’m going to go home.

"Then, I’m leaving."

I was about to stand up, when someone knocked on the door.

"Guild master, Cliff Foschuroze-sama has arrived. Shall I show him in?"

"Ah, I don’t mind."

The door opened and Cliff entered the room.

"Pardon me for imposing on you so early in the morning."

Cliff noticed me after entering the room.

"Bear girl?"

"Well then, please allow me to excuse myself here."

"Ah, I took up quite a bit of your time."

I stood up from the chair and tried to leave the room, but I was stopped at the last moment.

"Ah, is it okay for Yuna to stay?"

The feudal lord, Cliff, said such a thing.

"I also have a small matter that I want to consult with Yuna about."

Cliff pushed down my shoulders and made me sit in a chair.

"So, what is it, so early in the morning?"

"You also know that the king is celebrating his 40th birthday next month, correct?"

"Ah, more or less."

"I don’t have anything worthy to gift the king on that occasion."

"If that’s the case, go to the Commerce Guild. This is the Adventurer’s Guild."

"I already went, but there didn’t seem to be anything that a king would be happy with. Even if I presented something that could be bought with money, he wouldn’t be happy. That’s why, I was wondering if there were any rare swords, armor, or tools at the Adventurer’s Guild."

"The noticeable things are turned over to the Commerce Guild."

"As I thought. I came to check, just in case. So, for plan B, I’d like to consult with you, Yuna-san."


"Don’t you have rare items with you? Like the item bag that looks like a bear or the item that summons the summoned beasts."

"I’m sorry, but I don’t. Of course, there’s no way I’m handing over this bear item bag."

"In that case, can’t you create something like that Bear House-thing? I’ve seen it and it was amazing. Still, something that large would be difficult to carry, so I’d be grateful for something small."

Un, there’s nothing I can’t make.

If I used ideas from Earth, I could create something like that hair dryer.

However, if I did something like that, things would probably become really troublesome.

If it turned out that way, living a leisurely life would be impossible.

For now, I checked to see whether there were any suitable items inside the Bear Box.



Un? There’s a good item.

"You came to the Adventurer’s Guild to look for unusual weapons or armor, right?"

kuma Kuma Kuma BearWhere stories live. Discover now