"Hey, hey, don’t go killing me off all of a sudden. I have a bright and shining future waiting for me after this, so that kind of unfortunate fate doesn’t await me!"

"If it’s like that, then it’s fine. Protect the three of them properly, okay? If you don’t protect them, you know what will happen, right?"

"Of course. I swear to Roy in heaven that I’ll protect the three of them."

Roy was Tirumina-san’s deceased husband, and the father of Fina and Shuri.

When they were young, the three of them were members of the same party. After Roy and Tirumina got married, the party was dissolved, and it seems that Gentz-san ended up working for the guild.

A few years later, however, when Tirumina-san was pregnant with Shuri, Roy accepted a request by himself and died.

Gentz has been protecting Tirumina’s family ever since.

Apparently, they fell in love during that time.

While Gentz-san was telling me about these old stories, Fina and Shuri brought over the food.

Steam rose from each dish, making them look delicious.

Tirumina-san carried over the last dish, served on an extra large plate.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. There’s a lot so please don’t hold back."

The three girls came back into the room and sat in their chairs.

"Yuna-chan, in the end, I used a considerable amount of ingredients. I’m sorry."

"Don’t worry about it. I have plenty of ingredients."

"Also, that Bear Refrigerator is really great. The vegetables and meat didn’t look spoiled at all."

The Bear Refrigerator was a refrigerator that I had created in the shape of a bear.

I bought an ice magic stone and made it myself.

After all, the convenience and efficiency of the refrigerators in this world differed greatly from the ones in Japan, so I decided to make one myself.

"I can gift one to you as a wedding present."

"I’d be happy, but my already unrepayable debt of gratitude would increase even more."

"If you can’t repay me, I can take your daughter instead."

"Ara, you’re fine with this daughter of mine?"

"She’s honest, cute, diligent, thinks of her family, and is good at cooking and skinning. Every family would want one!"

The two of us turned to look at Fina, who was eating wolf meat.

"Uu, Mom! You too, Big sis Yuna, please stop it!"

"How do you raise a ten year-old girl to be like this one?"

"That was probably my fault. I fell ill, so she had to carry a heavy burden and ended up having to work harder than normal kids. She had to take care of my illness, her little sister, the housework, and the work from Gentz’s workplace. As such, this child never did any childlike activities."

"I didn’t particularly think that it was a burden or anything."

"As we’ve been saying, that kind of mentality is abnormal for a ten year old."

"I’m not the only one who worked hard! Shuri also helped me out a lot!"

Fina patted her little sister’s head, who was ravenously tearing into her food right next to her.

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