👨‍👩‍👧‍👦ALL IS WELL🚂

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Nineteen Years Later.....

"Scorp, I am not going to tell you again, stop transforming your sister's doll into a spider. She doesn't like it." I roared from the bedroom as I was doing the last-minute packing. It was Scorpius's first day to Hogwarts. He was super excited and was going to miss his little sister as well, so he was making her mad for the last few minutes. He loved his sister, rather over protective I would say, just like his father.

Scorpius was in fact Draco through and through. He got his blonde hair, his long-pointed face, his kind nature that he had struggled so hard to hide from everyone, however his eyes were like mine, as black as the nigh sky.

Eileen, our six year old, on the other hand was like me, with black hair and long face like her great grandmother except the grey eyes of Draco and hooked nose from his grandfather.

Mum and dad had retired now. They were spending their retired life travelling like vagabonds. They owled us whenever they were in a new place and sometimes in between when they could keep their hands off each other long enough to write a letter!

"Eileen, come here, let me do your hair." I called out to our daughter.

"I can't find my other pair." Draco came in almost hopping on one foot.

"It's not my fault Draco, I told you to keep your clothes ready yesterday." I rolled my eyes and summoned his socks from our bedroom and handed it to him.

"Thanks love what would I do without you." He pecked my cheek and all my anger melted away instantly.

"Probably hoping around on one sock dad." Scorpius drawled. I chuckled at my son's clever reply. 

Thank Merlin he has got witty brains like his father.

I and Eileen went through the barrier, Scorp and Draco followed us. The scarlet steam engine stood waiting to take the students to Hogwarts for another year again. We stood in one corner as Draco helped Scorpius hoist his luggage into the train.

"Now Scorp remember, you are going to learn magic and control it. But please don't stress yourself in the process and do not worry about the sorting at all.

The house means nothing. Its just a house. Whatever it is, we will love you just the same. Be good and have a good term. We will see you in Christmas. And please write to me every week. I want to hear everything about your days there. How you are coping up and learning and everything.....promise me you will write to me Scorp."

"I promise mum." He hugged me, his head barely reaching my waist. I hugged him tighter and stroked his head, brushing my fingers through his hair, ruffling them as a tear escaped my eyes when I realized I won't be able to cuddle him like this everyday and won't be seeing his little face before Christmas again 😢😢😢

A hand gently came around my shoulder. Draco nodded at me as he took his turn to give a bear hug to his son. Eileen was next. By the looks I could say both of them were going to miss each other very much. Eileen was half crying and half smiling.

"Don't worry Eli, I will bring you something nice from there and I will write to you separately every week." Scorp consoled his sister.

I looked up and saw Hermione hugging her daughter Rose, who also was going to Hogwarts from this year onwards. She looked just like her except the red hair she got from the Weasleys. Draco's eyes followed my line of vision and he noticed them too. They were joined by Harry and Ginny and their three children. The four of them waved at us as we waved back at them.

When the clock struck eleven, Scorpius climbed onto the train carrying the bag of sweets that Draco brought him yesterday from his favorite shop and sat down alone in an empty compartment. When the train began to move, Eileen followed it along with another red-haired girl, which was Harry and Ginny's youngest child. They both chased the train waving at their brothers. Draco and I watched the train leave, leaning my head on his shoulder and crossing my fingers as I held onto his hand and hoping that Scorpius will be just fine with everyone else in school.

"He will be fine, so will you." Draco whispered into my ear, as Eileen ran back to us and we prepared to depart from Platform Nine and three quarters.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now