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Father slapped me right across the face and shouted, "It's your fault that you are in HUFFLEPUFF. And Draco says you were going around befriending Mudbloods now."

I was so pissed off with Draco. Why would he say that to my father? 

"I have to talk to Lucius. He knows Igor very well, the current headmaster of Durmstrang. I am sure he can make arrangements to get her there. At least she will know the Dark arts better." He was more of talking to himself, than my mother, because she just kept nodding with whatever he said.

We were supposed to go to the Malfoys for Christmas, like we did every year. When we reached the Malfoy manor, the house-elves led us in to the dining room, taking our coats and leading us to the dining room. We weren't the only ones for Christmas at Malfoy Manor; there was Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Zabini and Parkinson too. Everyone sat at the table. I was sitting beside Pansy, she was merrily gossiping about the Muggle-borns from other houses and Draco went on bickering about Harry Potter. Then they turned their heads to me.

"Say Flo, you have any gossips about those Hufflepuffs?" I looked up from my plate towards Pansy and others and simply nodded.

"Now c'mon, you know, tell us about that Mudblood Fletchley. I mean he looks like an idiot. No better than that Longbottom. I heard from Draco other day he was following you around." Pansy laughed uproariously at her own jest.

"No he was not following me around. Draco, what did you tell them?" I looked at him, he was smirking away.

"I saw him following you to class the other day." Greg said.

"No he was not following, we happened to reach the class at the same time. I am not interested in Mudbloods like him." I lied blatantly. I could not say anything better than that in front of my father.

My friends in Hufflepuff have been nothing short of sweet to me. Especially Justin and Susan, they were the sweetest. Saying anything bad about them made me feel very guilty. I wish I didn't have to. At least the relief is that they never heard about it. I looked back at my plate and concentrated on the ice-cream. Draco was looking at me from time to time, because I was barely saying anything. I saw him staring once and gave him a sad smile. He partly knew what was troubling me.

When everyone left, father stayed behind to talk to Draco's father about sending me to Durmstrang next year. His mum turned towards us and said, "Why don't you two go and play, while we are talking. You don't have to listen to this."

We turned around immediately and Draco said about bringing something from his room and I headed towards the library, which was our official play area. I leaned with my back on one of the bookshelves. I was all alone in the huge library. So I took the opportunity and cried my heart out. 

I did not want to leave Hogwarts. I was enjoying being a Hufflepuff. I could not say that to my father. I loved the friends I had. If I have to go to Durmstrang, I would miss all my friends, including Pansy, Blaise, Theodor; even Vincent and Greg. I didn't want to leave. But Draco's father has good connection with the headmaster in Durmstrang. If he wanted he could do it. And unlike Draco's mum, my mother could barely say anything to him.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. It was Draco. He was holding a book in his hand, which he wanted to show me. He looked sad, seeing me cry like that. He sat down beside me with his legs crossed and continued looking at me, waiting for me to say anything.

"Why did you tell my father, that I am friends with Justin?"

"You shouldn't be friends with that sort you know. I wanted to look out for you....." 

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz