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On the morning of May 1st we woke up to an empty space on the bed, which should have been occupied by Hermione. I woke up Luna because the first thing that came to my mind was maybe the Death Eaters have found them.

"Oh no they woke up early morning, even before the birds were awake and went somewhere. I saw her leaving. They are fine I guess, but I don't think they are going to come back. She took her bag with her and I heard Bill telling Harry about some mission last night and also I think they took Griphook with them." Luna explained Hermione's sudden absence.

"Griphook, that goblin.....what's he got to do with them?"

"I don't know. But I hope they succeed in whatever their mission is." Luna said, yawning.

I sat thinking about the golden trio. They did seem like they were up to something for a few days now. They didn't for once seem like they were just running away. They are doing something; I hope that something is related to defeating the Dark Lord.

"What is that?" Luna pointed at my chain. I looked down and saw she was pointing at the second locket in my chain, 

Draco's gift.

"Oh I almost forgot about it." I took the locket, enlarged it and showed Luna.

"Is this you and Draco?" she chimed as she flipped through the pages.

"Yes. He gave me this as a birthday gift this year. I didn't have the pictures, his mother took most of them and she had all of it." I let out a sigh as I realized the enthusiasm with which I was still talking about Draco and his family, like I didn't just drop a chandelier on my would-be mother in law weeks ago and escaped from the Manor, putting all of them in mortal danger.

"You miss him?" Luna's voice broke my chain of thoughts. I looked at her.

"Not much." I lied and took the album from her, closed it and put it back in my chain. I didn't want to part with it. These were some of the happiest memories I had with him.

It was just me, Luna, Dean and Bill and Fleur in the Shell cottage now. Wandmaker Ollivander had sent a new wand to Luna, she was trying it out often in the garden and Dean watched her hungrily as he had lost his own to the Snatchers.

"Hey wait, I almost forgot....." I took out my purse from my pocket and opened it and fished my hand into it. Unable to grasp it, I pointed my wand at it and spoke, "Accio wand." 

A black slender wand sprang out of the purse into my hand. "Here take it."

"Where did you get that from?" Dean asked, eyeing the wand carefully.

"It's my spare wand. My mother made me keep it. I have rarely used it. You can have it now. It's better than rotting in my purse." Dean reluctantly took the wand and instantly a smile crept on to his face. "How does it feel?"

"Feels good," he waved it at a stone and lifted it in the air and dropped it again. Then he enlarged it and shrank it. The wand worked perfectly for him. He thanked me a million times and brandished it. Then we three practiced some of the spells that Harry taught us during the D.A. meetings.

It was like being back in D.A. all over again. Bill even took the initiative to teach us a few charms as well; he was getting bored as he has been stuck up in his house for a long time now.

By the evening Bill brought the news of how Harry, Ron and Hermione had break out of Gringotts on a dragon.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now