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"Hi Florence," I looked up from my book to look into a sorry pair of grey eyes greeting me that evening. They were enough to melt me down. So I looked away and nodded. I wanted to be so angry at him. How dare he blame me for his foolishness?

"What are you doing?" Draco asked again.

"What does it look like?" I said without looking up. He gulped and pulled up a chair to sit beside me. I rolled my eyes.

"I am sorry Flo." He said finally after some moments of silence. I dropped my quill and looked at him. He was trying to smile at me, his eyes gleaming with remorse.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked him back.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you and pushed you like that. That Filch is an idiot. He couldn't catch them I heard. I was so angry. I am good at Quidditch but its Potter who got selected that too in first year. I didn't....."

"I don't care Draco. You are my best friend, not Potter. I just told you what everyone told me. Now I think I shouldn't have." He held my hands and suddenly my cheeks grew very warm.

"I have been saving up the sweets for you that mother sent me. Why don't you come with me now, I can't keep it away from Crabbe much longer." 

"You want me to go to the Slytherin Common room?" A bit shocked on his abrupt proposal.

"Yes! Don't worry it's only our other friends. They were saying the other day, that the Sorting Hat must have gone crazy putting you in Hufflepuff."

"Okay," I got up and accompanied him to the Dungeons. I barely have been to the dungeons except during Potions. Susan and Justin saw me walking with Draco towards the dungeon and gave me a sad smile.

Dungeons were always too cold. We stood near the Slytherin common room. He muttered the password, 'Salazar' and we entered. It was nothing like the Hufflepuff common room. It was all green and dark, and the windows look out into the depths of the Black Lake. I could see the giant squid at a distant through one of the large windows. Few people were in the Common room. They all looked at me with a frowned face, but as soon as they saw Draco accompanying me, their expression changed and they went back to their work. He took me towards the table where his friends were sitting. Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, a dark tall boy I didn't knew and Parkinson. There were a few other girls with Parkinson. They gave me curious looks except the dark tall boy, who came forward smiling.

"Hi, I am Blaise Zabini. My mother knows your father. They were in Durmstrang together."

I looked at him confused. It's not like I chase around the house asking father about his school days. We barely talk. I didn't want to sound stupid, so I smiled and shook his hands. Then others talked to me as they do. However, I was missing the warmth in their conversation, which I got whenever I talked to Susan, Justin, Hannah or even the insufferable know-it-all Ernie. Meanwhile Draco went up to his dorm and came back with some sweets he kept reserved for me. I was relieved when he called me to sit with him near the fireplace, whereas his friends sat where they were and did not bother to come up to us. We were finishing up the rest of the sweets and laughing away, just like we did before joining Hogwarts.

I have spent much of my childhood growing up in Malfoy manor. He was my only friend as a kid. We used to run around the house, especially in the library with some sweets. Then he would pull out some interesting book and we read it together eating the sweets. He is my best friend. We used to make Snowman together during Christmas. It is like a Christmas ritual for us. Sometimes we fought like mad dogs over something, most of the times he would end up hitting me so bad that I started to cry and then either of our mothers came to my rescue. And then when I was pissed off at him, he would bring up whatever we were fighting about and eventually gave it to me. I could never spend a long time not talking to him. He always had his ways to make it up to me and so did I.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now