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I flattened my blue dress with my hands. I was supposed to meet Blaise near the Entrance Hall. I agreed to go on with him as a friend. Draco wanted me to go; we were executing the plan of sending a bottle of poisoned mead to Dumbledore via Slughorn. He apparently ordered a large batch of drinks for his colleagues in Hogwarts as Christmas presents. In case it happened today, I would be in the party to avoid any suspects and Draco.....well he is safe anyway if he does the job. 


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Dumbledore will be dead. And the Dark Lord will take over. 

Still going to a party with Blaise didn't feel comfortable. I attempted to ask Hermione if she was taking anyone else for the party to dodge Blaise, but she already asked Mclaggen to accompany her and she regretted it already as that guy was throwing her some looks which was supposed to be seductive. Of course she only did it to make Ron jealous. She confessed once when I found her crying in the library alone one evening. She did suggest me to go with Potter, but I didn't want to. He will only pester me with questions on Draco, and now that I know, I can't possibly face him.

"Ready?" I was brought back to my thoughts by Zabini's patronising voice. He was dressed in a perfect gentleman like dress robes as Draco usually does or did during the parties in Malfoy Manor. I remember Draco, Blaise, Greg, Vincent, Avery, Nott and Rosier always competed as to who was dressed the best. And so did the few girls including myself; which obviously Pansy won every time.

"You look good Blaise." I complemented him as a courtesy for inviting me. He smirked as he glanced at me once.

" look.....okay." His eyes scanned me from top to bottom once.

"Thank you." I responded in a cold voice. We reached the door to Slughorn's office and the party was huge to begin with. Almost every other professor was there, including Professor Snape. He glanced at me once and his eyes almost pierced me. Occlumency was natural to me now. I have been practicing it for almost six months.

The party was boring. There was a vampire, who was hungrily looking at everyone. I wanted to talk to him once; I have never seen a Vampire up close. He was pale and his lips were red and his eyes were dead, his pallor face made no expression. He glanced at everyone finally landing upon a group of giggling girls near him.

"Someone's getting a Bloody Mary tonight!" I thought to myself and chuckled as I sipped from the glass of punch. Right then Filch's voice roared and he came in, dragging Draco with him!

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Filch held Draco by his ear and dragged him into the party. He was apparently lurking near corridor. Why would he do that? He was supposed to be in his dorm while I was supposed to be in here. Didn't he trust me enough?

Slughorn let him join the party when he said he was trying to gate-crash. But Professor Snape dragged him out. I wanted to follow him but then though it won't be a wise decision. I patiently waited for the boring party to over and tried to blend in as much as I can.

"Off you go now everyone; it's way past curfew. You don't want to be seen out in the castle at this hour," Slughorn almost shooed us away. Blaise offered me to accompany back to the Hufflepuff common room, but I wanted to go to the RoR, I had to talk to Draco. Why was he lurking in the corridor?

"Hey Blaise, I need to run to the bathroom. I think the pasties were too much for me. I can't wait to reach the Common room. You go back. I will relieve myself and be on my way." He gave a curt nod and watched me as I entered the bathroom. Then he left. What a creep!

I waited for him to go back and immediately ran towards the RoR. The doors appeared and I got in. Draco was as usual near the cabinet. He stopped from whatever he was doing and looked at me. I was enraged seeing him.

"Are you mad Draco? What were you thinking? Lurking outside Slughorn's office.....Don't you trust me? And what did Professor Snape tell you? Did he give you detention? Merlin....Draco say something." I shouted at him now. He continued to stare at the ground.

"I trust you Flo. Why won't I?" He looked up at me now. His eyes were tired and sunken and there were tears now in his eyes as he spoke, "I just you. I saw you walking with Blaise towards Slughorn's party and you.....were looking.....pretty. I was jealous. I wanted to take you out, with you dressed up like that." He then came near me. His face slightly flushed up with rage. "Why did you dress up so well? I thought you were just going with him as a friend."

I couldn't help as my cheeks gave away by changing its color instantly. He just said I was looking pretty. I lunged at him immediately encasing his lips with mine. He stumbled backwards but grabbed my waist hastily as his lips devoured mine hungrily. I was so riled up then. I wanted to break all the barriers between us now. So much excitement, that gnawing pain in the stomach, that heat rising up to my cheeks making my head swirl, that dire need to feel him as close as possible, I so much wanted a couch now. And the Room heard my wishes or it was a mere coincident. As Draco was attacking my neck, I noticed a couch from the corner of my eyes. It was old worn out or probably cursed, but who cares?

I pulled back and led Draco towards the couch. He followed me blindly. I stood with him near it. He looked from me to the couch. His eyes filled with an undisguised lust, glistened with excitement as he licked his lips. My heart was crashing against my ribs, my hands trembling as I held on to his. He must have sensed my discomfort because he gently raised his hands and removed a strand of hair from face, cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb. His ring gave a cold sensation to my face. It was his family heirloom.

"It's okay Flo. I am nervous too."

"What are you nervous about? Not that it's your first time." 

"I am might destroy.....whatever we have."

"Whatever?" I flinched slightly. What is whatever? What we have is years of friendship and trust that eventually turned into love for each other.

"No.....I mean.....this.....Merlin!" he moved his hands away and pinched his nose bridge with his thumb and index finger. I noticed his worried face and realized I have been pushing him too hard about us. It was wrong to push him. Such things can't be pushed.

"Draco....." I placed my hand over his. "Let's sit down." I pulled him beside me. He was so upset with so many things already. I didn't want to upset him further. Plus there was this topic of Pansy. He can't expect to keep both of us. I can't allow that. But I couldn't help but notice his pretty eyes were almost sunken into his sockets, his skin looked more pale and sick and all over he looked so tired.

"Draco.....when did you last have a decent sleep?" I slowly stroked his silky blonde hair; my eyes glanced at his now slowly decreasing bulge in his pants. I averted my eyes immediately; probably it's not a good time now.

"I don't know." His voice seemed defeated all over again. "I am so tired Flo. I am tired of having to live in fear every day."

"Get some sleep Draco." I patted on my lap. His eyes drifted from me to my lap and then back to my face. He slowly laid his head on my lap and closed his eyes. I stroked his silver blonde silky hair with my fingers and with other hand I caressed his arm, applying mild pressure on his shoulder and his arms, to help him relax. The burning desire to claim him was all gone now, it was replaced with this new flame to put him at ease at any cost. Maybe this is love; the desire to put someone before you, no matter what. I rested my head on the couch and slowly sleep overcame me as well.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now