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We were all waiting for one of the champions to show up with the Triwizard cup. Merlin it's been an hour now! I hope they all didn't just go to sleep in the maze.

"Who did you bet on?" Justin asked me.

"I didn't bet on anyone. But I think either Potter or Diggory will come out. Fleur is out already and Krum is having some bad luck. No matter how hard he is trying, he is always behind the Hogwarts' champions. You bet on someone?" I asked him.

Oh, nothing happened after the Yule Ball, we are still friends; a bit closer though, but friends!

"I may or may not have bet on Cedric." He said with a smirk. "Although, I agree, Potter can win too. It's like a fifty-fifty chance."

We were both wearing our Hufflepuff sweatshirt.

Then suddenly a snap and a thud was heard and we saw Potter and Cedric. Everyone cheered aloud as the champion was Hogwarts, including us. Ernie and Hannah pushed through the crowd to get to Cedric. Rest of us stayed behind. We can always get to congratulate him in Hufflepuff common room. There will be some party for sure. But then things started to get really weird. We stood there for a long time, trying to figure out what happened. The cheering arena all of a sudden turned silent, when someone shouted, "Cedric Diggory is dead!"

Whispers broke out. I took time to absorb the news. 

Cedric Diggory is dead! How is that possible? It's a joke? Who will kill him?

Then we heard Mr. and Mrs. Diggory hurrying to get to Cedric and they were howling like wounded animals.

"No!" I looked at everyone. All of them were confused like me. Some were still smiling, not exactly realizing the depth of the situation. Then Professor McGonagall announced, "Everyone get to their dormitories. Prefects lead you houses back to their dorm."

"Hufflepuffs follow me!" shouted Watts, our other prefect.

We followed her to the common room. Once inside, we tried to find Ernie and Hannah, they haven't yet arrived. They walked in sometime later. They looked pale. Hannah was crying. Ernie looked like he saw a ghost.

"Ernie what happened? Is Cedric really dead? How did this happen?" someone asked him.

"Potter said that Voldemort is back and that he killed Cedric."

"I would like you all to stand up and raise your glasses to Cedric Diggory." Professor Dumbledore said. 

We all stood up and raised our goblets and said in unison, "Cedric Diggory!" I caught a glimpse of Ernie and Hannah. They were still pale and grief stricken. My eyes flickered to Draco and I saw him mumbling something to Crabbe and Goyle. I brushed him off. We have completely stopped talking now. He and his friends failed to show any respect for Cedric Diggory. I therefore, refused to acknowledge him as my friend anymore.


"I will be out for a few days....." Father said to mum.

"Where are you going?" mother asked him back.

"None of your business woman...." he snapped at her.

"You are going to the mountains right?" she retorted.

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS," He dis-apparated on spot. I was supposed to be up in the library of the Malfoy Manor. There was meeting today of the Death Eaters and a celebration in honor of the Dark Lord's return. He has been sending a lot of people to work recently, including Draco's father.

I excused myself from Nott and Parkinson's incessant cooing on god knows what, to go to the bathroom, when on my way out, I heard mum and father speaking alone. No matter how much I hate them, I have to know what they are up to, since now the Dark Lord is back.

"Eavesdropping Flo....." A voice broke my concentration.

"Shut up Draco. I wasn't eavesdropping. I was just.....avoiding father." He crossed his arms in front of me and stared at my face. Those grey eyes were filled with curiosity. I don't know why I waited for him, while he opened his mouth twice to say something and then closed them again.

"Florence...." Mother's voice rang out.

"Yes mum."

"We are leaving." I nodded and went ahead with her. I didn't look back. I was  more invested in about why father had to go to the mountains all of a sudden? But I didn't dare to ask mum, she wasn't in a good mood lately, not especially after getting berated from father.  


I passed the compartments. Almost all of them were crowded. Justin and Susan were right behind me. My head was turned towards the compartments that I didn't see who was coming up front. I head butted into a hard chest followed by a wail from the person concerned. I looked up and met a pair of long forgotten grey eyes. I felt Justin and Susan clashed behind me, by my sudden stopping.

"Watch where you are going," Draco exclaimed, in a slightly sarcastic undertone.

"Sorry Prefect," I said in a dull tone. I was in no mood for jokes. Voldemort was back. All the Death Eaters were back, including my father. Soon we are expected to take their places in near future. On top of that Draco and Pansy were the Prefects; of course, they will be abusing their powers. "Why don't you go and irritate the first years Draco?" I asked, rolling my eyes, just as I saw the Prefect badge gleaming over his tie.

"How dare you talk to him like that?" Pansy roared from behind him. Of course, he and Pansy were the new couple in town. Finally her efforts were showing results.

"Oh, didn't see you there." I drawled.

"Let's go find a seat." Justin murmured from behind me. We ignored them both and went forwards when Draco grabbed my arm slightly and said, "I wanted to talk to you." I just stared at him. His grey eyes now radiated a different kind of warmth, which I had missed so much. I looked back at Justin and Susan and nodded at them. They went ahead looking for seats, while Draco murmured something in Pansy's ear and she left with a red fuming face. Then Draco pulled me towards a compartment, where two first years were sitting.

"Out!" he ordered. The first years stared at each other and then at Draco and his gleaming Prefect badge and went out immediately leaving their things behind.

"Draco that's mean. You are already abusing your powers." He ignored me and with his arms crossed in front of his chest, he started speaking,

"What is up with you? You don't talk to me anymore. Please don't tell me you are still hung up on the Yule Ball thing. It was ages ago."

"Oh please, I don't get hung up on stupid things. A lot has happened after that. It seems you are enjoying all of them or none of it matters to you as long as you have what you want."

"Aren't you?"

"NO! I don't want it."

"It's not like we have a choice." He snapped.

"No we don't. Not for now. I can't wait to be seventeen. Maybe then I will have a choice."

"What will you do?"

"Whatever I have to do, now if you will excuse me, I need to find a place and sit down. I shouldn't keep you away from your clingy girlfriend much longer." Saying that I slammed the door open and closed it behind me. I went towards the other compartments. On my way I saw Hermione and Ron, with their Prefect badges. She smiled at me. Ron didn't, neither did Harry, instead he passed me glaring look when he crossed me. I think I know why.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now