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I ran towards the Room of Requirement first, hoping to catch Draco before he leaves to finish his final task. I hurried along the familiar steps towards the seventh floor when I heard voices already. 

"Malfoy should be somewhere nearby. Harry strictly said to keep an eye on him." 

It was Ron Weasley. But he wasn't alone. Working with the D.A. previous year has helped me recognize the remaining two voices, Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom. 

But what are they doing here? 

Suddenly there was loud shriek and then voices muttering jinxes and then many footsteps hurrying towards me. Without thinking I turned on spot and ran till I reached the Astronomy tower. I opened the door and hid beside the staircase, hoping to catch Draco. 

For a long time, no one appeared. I could hear distinctively voices shouting spells and something blasting every now and then. 

What is happening? Is Draco alright? What if.....the D.A. got him already? Are they going to kill him?  

I turned away running down the stairs and I was about to grab the door that lead out of the Astronomy tower towards the castle, when the door opened itself and I met a pair of bewildered grey eyes. Draco's face contorted rather slowly, first with surprise, then fear and then anger. Before he could say anything, another masked man appeared from behind him, his wand pointed towards me.

"Flo," Draco spoke up, his voice neither horrified nor surprised, as was his eyes.

The masked man looked at him and then back at me and said, "Macnair? Macnair's daughter?" I nodded my head. "What is she doing here?" he asked back. Draco was out of words to explain the uneventful meeting but before he could come up with anything, I spoke up,

"I wanted to help. Both my parents are Death Eaters. Don't worry I won't interrupt, I will just watch out for him," I said, pointing at Draco, whose face was now contorted into a shocked look.

"I don't need watch out....." but before he could finish, Gibbon pushed out the way and said,

"More the number, better it is. Now out of my way," he pushed us aside and went up the stairs leading to the top. Draco instantly grabbed my wrists and pulled me aside into a dusty store room, filled with worn out Astronomy objects. He slammed the door behind us and looked at me. I could foretell without my inner eye poking that I was in for a hell lot of cusses from him.

"Draco I can explain....."

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Do you have any idea what is going on? Greyback is out there. If he gets a whiff of you....."

"He won't kill me. Both my parents are Death Eaters....."

"Doesn't matter Flo.....he is a WEREWOLF. And now the doorway is blocked, you can't go out. Stay here. When we are gone, someone will find you." He turned towards the door.

"Draco I won't stay here. I was just coming to warn you about the D.A. and now since I am already here and late, I am coming with you." He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall.

"Flo, you can't. If the Dark Lord knows you were involved, he will.....he will punish you. You weren't supposed to know it."

"He doesn't care; he only wants Dumbledore dead, he will rather be happy to know I helped. Besides, all this is going to kill you inside out Draco, because YOU ARE NOT A MURDERER. I want to stay with you while you do it or what kind of a fr......girlfriend would I be to push you into this willingly." His grey eyes were now teary as he tightened his grip on my shoulder. Without any warning, he slammed his lips against mine, his hands now grabbing my head, pulling me closer to him. The kiss lasted for seconds before he pulled away and placed his forehead against mine.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara