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Merlin I missed him so much sometimes, I barely saw him nowadays. I was thinking about him while crossing the Transfiguration class, on my way for the Charms one day, when I heard McGonagall shouting on someone. I peered through the door out of interest as to who it was, expecting some junior, but to my surprise, it was Draco!

".....you are a N.E.W.T. student now Mr. Malfoy and I expect you behave like one. You have failed to turn up home-works twice in a row and nowadays you are too distracted in class. I didn't expect this kind of behavior from you. Your parents were such great students in their days, I expect you to carry their name forward proudly when it comes to academics and.....Yes Ms. Macnair, how can I help you?" I was so engrossed in eavesdropping that I didn't notice when McGonagall saw me. Draco turned back, scowling at me. Of course he thought I was finding it fun to listen to him getting scolded.

"Yes?" McGonagall asked again.

"Ma'am.....I wanted to.....deliver a message.......to Malfoy."

"What message?" McGonagall asked raising her brows, even Draco looked confused now.

"From.....Professor Snape; a message from Professor Snape to Malfoy."

"Okay, wait outside he is almost done." I gave a curt bow and moved out of sight. I leaned on the wall, he was supposed to be in the Charms class too and we still had five minutes before class, maybe I can get to ask him now what is making him behave so odd now. I mean him not doing home-work in time, it's like something has happened seriously and I wanted to know what.

I heard footsteps approaching the door and in a few seconds Draco came out of the classroom, closing the door behind him, he turned towards me with a scowl and said, "What?"

"What what?" I asked him.

"What message Professor Snape gave you for me?"

"Nothing, I needed an excuse. I just said like that, it sounded convincing." I gave out a foolish smile to lighten the situation. He frowned even more and turned away.

"Draco wait....." he ignored me. I had to run after him. "Draco wait.....what is up with you? Why aren't you doing your Transfiguration home-works? I thought you loved it. You were so good at it."

"What's it to you?" he snapped.

"What's it to me? Draco, I am your friend, best fr....."

"Last time I checked you were friends with that Potter, and such great friend that you kept secrets from me, even when we decided not to....."

"And what, get SNEAK written across my face like Edgecomb. Draco did you see her face, she can't show it to anyone, I am lucky I didn't leak out anything. Imagine my face....." And saying so made me gag.

"Does it matter?" he turned towards me, "does it matter now? You broke my trust.....even when....." He didn't finish, although I knew what he wanted to say. I felt guilty.

"Funny you should say that when I found you splaying across that Parkinson's lap on the way to school." I snapped at him this time. He looked back again and came towards me, closer than normal which made my breath stuck up in my throat as my mind flashed to the moment when he last time came this close to me. He kept staring and frowning at me, his eyes wanted to say so much, yet not a single word managed to escape his lips, instead he turned right at spot and went the other way.

"Draco, where are you going? You have Charms now?" I shouted behind him.

"Go back to class Macnair!"

"Macnair?" since when where were we on last name basis, whatever happened to calling me "Flo!"

Following some days Draco continued to ignore me and kept calling me Macnair whenever he had to! I didn't know why, as if I had done something to him. I needed to talk to him alone, but he is never alone. It's always either Crabbe or Goyle or Parkinson dangling in his arm all the time and sometimes I couldn't just find him anywhere.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now