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"Love makes you do crazy things, insane things. 

Things in a million years you would never see yourself do"

"Did you talk to them?" I asked Draco. He didn't respond. "Draco? Did you?" He nodded. "What did they say?" Crabbe and Goyle have been very difficult lately, last thing we wanted was them interfering in our work.

"They are asking me how much time it will take and what exactly am I doing?"

"Don't answer them. Just threaten them with the mark." I told him. He nodded again.

"Did you find anything else?" he asked me after sometime.

"I am trying to....." my voice trailed off as I heard some other voices right behind us and gestured Draco to shut up.

".....Secrecy sensors detect jinxes, curses and concealment charms, don't they? They're used to find dark magic and dark objects.....like the one in the necklace. But something that has been put in the wrong bottle wouldn't register.....anyway Love potions are not dangerous....." 

It was Hermione talking.

"Easy for you to say....." and that was undoubtedly Potter.

".......so it will be down to Filch to realize it wasn't a cough potion and he's not a very good wizard. I doubt he can tell one potion from the other....." and then they stopped talking.

I looked up at Draco and mouthed him, "RoR, now!" He nodded and left. I kept sitting there and few minutes later I saw Madam Pince chucking Potter and Hermione out of the library. I knew she would turn towards me next so I got up and started to place the books in place.

"You? Library is about to be closed now. Keep everything....." She stopped talking when she saw I kept everything in place and was ready to leave.

"Good night," I left immediately. I looked around and Hermione or Potter was nowhere to be seen. I ran towards the seventh floor and entered the RoR.

"Draco?" I called out.

"Here!" he responded and I went to him. He was staring down at an apple on his hand. He probably tried again.

"Did it work?" I asked him, my heartbeat getting faster, anticipating a negative response. He thrust the apple into my hand and I saw it was in one piece. Immediately a smile appeared on both of our faces.

"Draco it worked. How?"

"The book you found.......it was helpful. But we have to test it with more than an apple now. Something living maybe....."

"Animals?" I asked him, a hint of doubt in my voice.

"Yes maybe.....how do we find them?"

"Conjure.....or transfigure.....but transfiguring something into animals is advanced. However we can conjure birds.....remember last class of Transfiguration."

"Can you do it?" he asked me.

"I can try. But before that we need to talk. Did you hear what Hermione said, Filch can't detect Potions."


"I know the necklace was a failure, but what if we go for something simple like.....maybe....I don't know....poisoning. I mean he is old and weak." He thought about it for some time and then responded,

"But who's going to poison it?" I raised my brows. "But if they find out who sent it, it will trace back to us." He was right. We cannot let it trace back to us.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now