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That night I found myself lingering in front of Professor Snape's office door.

"I have to do this," I thought. I proceeded towards his door, lifting my hand to knock on the door, when Draco's face came to my mind.

"No please.....Flo please don't.....we are so close, we can do it."

"Please...I trust you Flo."

"But you promised him," another voice in my mind whispered. I closed my eyes, to stop the tears from falling when I remembered his crying face. I took a deep breath in and thought for another second and leaned on the door with my back on it.

"He trusted me. I broke his trust once.....I can't do it again. He needs me. I am the only one who knows about this. Professor Snape will protect him.....he has to.....he made the Unbreakable vow; unless he wants to die." I don't know how long I have been standing and thinking when I heard clanking behind me and before I could make a move, the door gave away and I fell right onto the cold office floor. When I looked up, I met another pair of black orbs staring back, just like mine.

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Both my parents have hazel eyes, but I have black eyes and they are as dark as hell. That's why I find Draco's grey eyes so.....intense. I never realized I will ever see anyone with eyes so dark like mine. I have never seen Professor Snape this up-close.

"What are you doing here Ms. Macnair? Shouldn't you be in your dormitory now?"

"Professor.....I....." I stammered as I tried to get up from the floor. It was so awkward. "Sorry sir I wanted....."

Should I even tell him? Maybe I shouldn't. Oh shit.....Legilimency!

I felt a pull in my mind, as the RoR came into view and before anything else could come up, I opened my eyes to look straight at Professor Snape's face and blocked him out of my thoughts. He gasped visibly as soon as my Occlumency walls were up shutting him out. He left the door and edged slight close to me, 

"Do you want to say something Ms. Macnair?" 

I found it hard to focus with him trying to bug in. After sometime, the pull in my mind seemed to have disappeared, I let out a sigh and said,

"No professor, I forgot my way. I was heading towards my dormitory."

"Fine then," And he turned sideways to let me out. I dodged him and the door and was almost out of the office when his voice came again, and this time it was rather gentle, "Florence if you really want to help Draco, you need to tell me what he is up to. I know he is scared and I want to help him. He cannot do it alone, nor can you." I turned around to face him again.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now