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I hurried along the corridor of the Hogwarts express trying to get to my seat as Harry and Neville were having their walk of shame to Slughorn's lunch and everyone were looking out their compartment. It is so awkward, even when they are not looking at me, it is so irritating to see so many heads stuck out towards the lane you are walking. I passed Harry and Neville. They both smiled at me. I continued to walk looking downwards. I saw Marietta with heavy make-up, trying to hide her scars. It made me snigger uncontrollably and she saw me doing that so I just kept walking until I banged my head on to a hard chest. 

"Ouch!" I snapped, still sniggering, but feeling my head with my hands where I bumped into Justin. "What are you, man of steel?" I asked him. He noticed my sniggering and asked,

"What are you laughing about?" he asked, trying to suppress his laughter watching me wincing in pain and laughing at the same time.

"Did you see Marietta? That sneak is trying to hide her face behind make-up and I laughed at her face and she was frowning and I couldn't stop myself. I am sorry did I hurt you? I mean that was pretty bad bump." I explained and apologized to him.

"No I am fine, yes I saw her face. Susan and Hannah can't stop talking about it. Did you see Zacharias Smith lately?" He asked his smile going wider with the mention of his name.

"No I didn't. Why, what happened?"

"Ginny Weasley hexed her with Bat bogey hex because he was pestering her with questions about whatever happened in the Department of Mysteries and eventually got on her nerves. Now his face is covered with great flapping things." 

"She did, good god, she is so cool. I will kiss her for doing that. That Smith can be a real pain in the arse."

"Yeah more than Ernie sometimes....." We both snorted out loud at that.

"Hey I need to change into my robes. See you later." And he went ahead. I turned to let him pass when my eyes caught a pair of grey eyes on the other side of the glass door of the compartment I was standing in front of.

Draco was sitting.....oh no, rather lying down with his head on Pansy's lap and she was stroking his silky white blonde hair on his forehead. Something about the whole thing made me regurgitate and I had to swallow my own vomit back. I made sure they saw me when I gagged. Draco leapt up from his place and sat straight on the seat. He was not glaring now, rather looking at me with sad eyes, the same sadness when we were in front of the Dark Lord in their home. Something about it didn't feel right to me. I remember mum told me before I got on the train,

"Flo, I know you and Draco have fallen apart since your involvement in the Dumbledore's Army, but I insist you to look after your friend, he will be requiring your friendship and support more than ever. I can't tell more than this, but remember what I said."

What the hell does that even mean? Was he one of them too now? 

Mum won't tell me anything else about that day either. Draco is glaring at one time and then in the next second he is watching me with sad eyes, I don't know how to talk to him. I feel he hates my guts at one time and the other time it feels like I betrayed him. He is not ready to understand why I did this.

I still remember my birthday, the time spent with him in the Prefects' bathroom, laughing away, his soft lips touching mine, the kiss he placed on my forehead, for a moment it did seem like a fairy tale, I forgot the place and time; I was too busy ravishing his touch, the way he brought up his face so close to mine when he confessed his feelings for me. They still give me those jitters in my stomach and I am still able to cast my Patronus in one go because of that. I wonder if he still felt the same.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now