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The Gryffindors won and Harry Potter lost all the bones in his right hand, thanks to Professor Lockhart. Seriously, I mean who has put this man in charge. I wasn't bothered about Potter anyways; Madam Pomfrey will fix that in no time. I was more concerned about Draco. He lost to Potter and he was closest to the Snitch. I saw Flint really angry and shouting on him. I mean I don't blame Flint, he has a temper and as a Captain it's what he does but I felt bad, so I went to look for him.

When I entered the Slytherin Common room, I saw a Bletchley sitting near the fireplace. Draco shares his dorm with him. He was the Keeper. I went up to him.

"Where's Draco?" I asked him. He looked up.

"Not in the dorm. I didn't see him here either."

"Do you have any idea where he can be right now?" I asked him again.

"No idea." He shrugged his shoulders. "I saw him last in the broom cupboard last after Flint took out on him. Then I didn't see him. He really made a blunder today."

"I don't play Quidditch and I am Hufflepuff, so it doesn't really matter much. However thanks for the information." He gave a curt nod. I thought about checking the Astronomy tower, as that was the closest to Broom cupboard and Quidditch storage room and if I were in his place, I would have wanted some alone time now.

I climbed the Astronomy tower and found a sulking hunched figure with white-blond hair at the edge of the tower, dangling his legs from the edge, still dressed in his Quidditch robes. I slowly glided towards him.

"Go away." He said without looking up.

"I haven't just climbed around forty stairs to hear you say go away." I said sternly.

"What do you want?" he still hadn't looked up.

"I wanted to see you." He didn't say anything, just shifted slightly. I sat down beside him. There was an eerie silence. I was trying to think what I was going to say.

"That was one hell of a game." I broke it.

"We lost. It was my fault. At least Flint said so."

"Maybe he is right. I don't know. All I saw was, the Gryffindors got a really tough competition and they just won because of the Snitch. I say it was a fair game."

He looked at me now. There was a faint smile on his face. I also noticed his eyes were wet; probably he has shed a few drops of tears. But his little smile was like a bit of encouragement, so I used the chance and took his hand in mine. 

It wasn't anything new for us; we often held hands and even slapped each other on the hands as a form of wrestling, when we were kids. We don't do it often now, although I thought he needed one now. He did not flinch either. I felt the blush creeping up to my cheeks again. I brushed it off and continued, "Draco it was your first game. Don't be so hard on yourself. I mean you handled that Nimbus two thousand and one so well and your team-mates were like.....idiots on that broom. They couldn't handle that broom as good as you did. They are only lucky they got new brooms because of you. I bet Potter or the Weasleys would have messed up the game, if they had been given those new brooms."

"They are not used to anything better than Cleansweeps, except Potter." His eyes were glinting now.

"Nimbus two thousand and also he did not buy it himself. McGonagall gave it to him." I added to it.

"Right." He nodded and his smile grew wider with every nod.

"I have seen you flying; you are so natural with a broom. You got into the team. You played better than most of your team-mates. It's just a matter of time, you will get that Snitch and that same Flint will be doing his victory dance around you." He laughed, probably imagining Flint doing some funny victory dance. His hand were still in mine, placed on my lap.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now