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"So Potter is the heir of Slytherin," Ernie whispered to me, Hannah and Susan. Susan nodded, Hannah looked at him, still confused and so did I.

"Heir of Slytherin, Potter? He doesn't seem like that. He has kind eyes and he seems so good." I thought to myself. The last class of the day was dismissed immediately and we took off to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Should we go?" I asked Hannah and Susan. We waited in the Hufflepuff Common room. They were confused too. Its true boys can't enter a girls' dormitory but we could enter boys' dormitory. However, Justin has been pretty shaken since the duelling class and was up in his dorm for the rest of the day.

Justin came out with Ernie after sometime and we all followed him, till he sat down on a corner table. Luckily everyone else was off to Great Hall for dinner.

"Justin," I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Okay? How do you think he is going to be okay? He has been marked by Potter." Ernie huffed.

"We are still not sure Ernie," Hannah said, with a glint of doubt in her voice.

"There's nothing to be sure anymore. He is a Parselmouth; he is the heir of Slytherin. I am telling you Justin, you cannot stay out of the dorms except during classes. You accompany us all the time, even when you have to go to the loo. Rest of the time, you should stay up in your dorm. Not even the Common room is safe now. Many people know the password to the Hufflepuff Common room, but he won't know in which dorm Justin stays. No one will say anything to him about Justin whereabouts. Agreed?" Ernie looked determinedly at all of us and we nodded; my hand was still on Justin's shoulder.

Next day, he didn't go out for breakfast. Ernie took breakfast to him and he refused to go to the classes too. He wanted to stay cooped up in his dorm all day. None of us forced him either.


"I won't be going home for Christmas this year." Draco told me two weeks before Christmas, we were in the library.

"Why?" I asked surprised. I didn't want to go home to my parents. Christmas was all about playing with him.

"My parents won't be home." he said without looking up.

"I don't want to go home either."

"Are you sure? Your father will be very angry." He looked up at me now.

"I don't care. I will tell him that I am going to give you company since you are staying behind. I think that will calm him down."

"Don't you want to see your mother?" he asked, looking a bit concerned.

"She's fine. I will see her in summer anyway." I said with raised brows.


"Have you seen Millicent Bulstrode?" I asked after sometime.

"Bulstrode? Why do you need to find Bulstrode?" he asked back in a surprised tone.

"I ask.....if she is staying back for holidays?"

"Since when are you friends with her?" he raised his brows.

I wasn't, but I was trying to befriend her since few weeks. Hermione had asked me to get some of her hair, in return for the new edition of Captain America comic book. I can't rely on anyone else for that except Justin and Hermione, I had to wait for around six months before I get my hands on them myself. So we had a deal.

"She is Pansy's friend; she introduced us; we kind of talk sometimes." I tried to sound very convincing.

"I think I saw her in the common room today morning." He went back to his work.

"Alright, I am going to talk to her now. I will be back soon. You stay here?"

"Okay." His head still buried in his work, which means he was convinced.

I went to the Slytherin common room and found her sitting with another Slytherin girl. She loved gossiping and I used to bring gossips from Gryffindor, which she delivered to Pansy later; of course I got them from Hermione, she gave me access to some of the gossips, which won't really hurt anyone if it went out.

"Hey Millicent, I have got something really interesting to tell you." I waved at her with fake excitement in my eyes. She bought it and sprang towards me.

"You know Ginny Weasely, she has a huge crush on Harry Potter and someone slipped that she is planning to give him a card and a rose on Valentine's Day; she is probably going to tell him she likes him." I said in a rather shocked and surprising tone. Millicent liked Potter and hearing someone eyeing towards her crush kind of charged her up.

"Really, who told you that?" she was serious now.

"Padma told Susan in the library; she heard it from her sister Parvati, who is Gryffindor and I think that Granger told her. She is that Weasley's friend." She nodded, looking fully convinced. She ran her fingers through her hair to tame it subconsciously as she spoke, "Do you think I will stand any chance to Potter?"

"Oh please you are way better than that Weasely girl. She can hardly afford anything. Her whole family is poor and no wonder they are blood traitors." She hummed in agreement, still twirling her hair in her fingers and then I noticed two or three strands of hair on the back of her robes. I carefully picked them up, while she was talking to the other girl.

"Yes!" I squeaked.

"What?" She turned her attention back to me again.

"I remembered I have to finish my Potions home-work, I almost forgot about it. By the way are you staying over for Christmas?" I asked her.

"No I am going home. Why, are you staying?" she asked in return.

"Yes, my parents will be out of town. But no worries, Draco and some of his friends will be here too."

"Okay, do let me know if you hear anything more." She whispered to me.

"Of course I will. Bye." I waved her away, clutching the hair strands tightly in my other hand.

As soon as I slithered out of the Slytherin Common room, I carefully put the hair strands in the flask Hermione gave me to put them in.

I wonder what on earth she is going to do with hair strands of Millicent Bulstrode.

None of my concern though. I immediately marched towards the Great Hall, where Hermione was eating with a book opened in front of her. Potter was not there, probably in Quidditch practice and Ron was busy eating like a pig, so probably he won't notice anything. I ran to her, carefully keeping a watch over the Slytherin table, in case Bulstrode or Draco came marching in and saw me talking to her.

I sat down beside Hermione and leaned into her ear, "I got it and positive, she is going home." I handed her the small flask under the table. She stuffed it inside her robes' pocket. She then took out the comic book, which was carefully plastic wrapped on its cover, as every new comic book is wrapped and handed it over to me under the table again. I quickly stuffed it inside my bag, bid her good-bye and marched towards the library.

All I can say is "Business was good!"

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now