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Madam Pomfrey appeared again and her eyes fell on Draco's sleeping form. Before she could raise her voice to wake him up, I raised my hand in defense gesturing her to stop and whispered, "I will wake him up. Give us ten minutes.....please ma'am." She quietly nodded and left, keeping my dinner tray at the side.

"Hey Draco.....wake up," I whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. His eyes slowly fluttered open and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. I pressed my lips to his; there was something very special about Draco when he just got up from sleep. I haven't noticed it before. Now that I have, I wish to see him like this every morning when I get up.

He continued to stare into my eyes, with his grey eyes pooled with emotions, that no one knew exists, except me. "Has anyone ever told you before that your eyes are as dark as midnight?" he whispered groggily.

I flushed as my stomach gave a lurch. "No.....not like this....midnight really?" He chuckled and got up slowly, craning his neck and flexing his arms. "You need to go and eat. You missed classes today and you missed your lunch."

"I will make up for the classes, don't worry. And I wasn't really hungry."

"Draco, you have not been eating and sleeping well for quite some time now. I didn't tell you this before but now since I almost took a hex for you, I have every right to tell you that. You need to eat, get proper sleep and attend classes, as much as possible." He nodded his head, though I knew he wasn't taking it seriously. "Draco, I am serious. It's not a joke. LOOK AT ME," He turned his head at me immediately. "Please...." I almost begged him now, tears welled up into my eyes, as I began to remember when last year he was so lively and so full of energy and now it seems like he is half dead.

He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead. "I am okay Flo. You don't have to worry. I will eat and get proper sleep. I will try. I promise." He got off the bed, shifted the curtains to leave and stopped on his track. He was staring at something or someone. Then he glanced back at me and left.

Soon after that Ernie, Hannah, Justin ad Susan came in.

"Guys...." I smiled at them.

"How are you now? We heard what happened? But maybe you could tell us better." Justin stepped forward asking.

"Oh it's nothing....I got in the way of a duel between Harry and Draco and accidentally a jinx hit me. But Professor Snape came in and saved the day. Everything's fine. In fact I am ready to leave except that Madam Pomfrey won't let me. Maybe tomorrow she will."

"What spell did he use? Everyone's been saying he used some dark magic." Ernie asked.

"I don't know, I have never heard that spell before."

"All right get well soon. We will leave you now to rest. Madam Pomfrey gave us only five minutes to see you then she said she will kick us out." Susan said.

"Why was Malfoy here?" Hannah asked, eyes me cautiously.

"He brought me to the hospital wing with Professor Snape, just looking out for me. He is a friend hope you remember." Everyone except Hannah, seemed quite convinced.

"Just a friend....." Hannah asked again, raising her brows curiously. "We saw you with him the other day at Hogsmeade. You guys were pretty close for a friend."

"I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story." I smirked at them. They knew it was the dead end. Except Justin, that son of a bitch, smirked in return.

Hermione visited me too. She said Harry was very sorry for attacking me like that and that he never wanted to.

"Hermione, it's alright. I am not blaming anyone. They were duelling, I got in the way. It was an accident. And I heard he got detention with Professor Snape till the end of term. We are pretty even now."

"How are you so forgiving Flo? I was really furious when I heard it. You have died. His obsession with Malfoy and....." she paused awkwardly.

"I am sure he never meant to kill. Besides.....I am a Hufflepuff. We have a big heart or something like that." I said, shrugging my shoulders with a goofy smile.

I was slightly woken up in the middle of night by a rustling sound, but I didn't open my eyes. I did feel the presence of a person at the foot of my bed. It was dark so I couldn't see who it was. I guessed it could be Draco because none of my friends would visit me like that in the dead of night and Madam Pomfrey retired to bed even before I was asleep and she doesn't go around bed to bed like Florence Nightingale. 

"Go back to your dorm Draco." I mumbled in my sleep, slightly peering open my eyes to see Draco. But before I could see him, he swept off and I thought I heard a slight rustling of something dragging on the ground; but I was too sleepy to consider it anyway.


"Draco, c'mon it's your birthday.....let's just go out."

"I can't Flo." He answered coldly. He was too depressed for a birthday mood.

"Okay fine. Then stop what you are doing. I wanted to show you something." He glanced at me immediately. I got up and took his arms, making him stand up and leave the cabinet's side for some time. "Have you ever tried conjuring a Patronus using the Patronus Charm?"

"A what?" His question in return confirmed his answer.

"Sit down." He obeyed me and we sat down cross legged on the floor, facing each other like we used to as kids, whenever we sat down to read a book together. I explained him the Patronus charm and ways to conjure it. Then I took out my wand and let my St. Bernard walk around him and run playfully all around the room.

"It's cute.....do you think I will get a dog too? Personally I like cats.....big ones." Draco said, as he watched my Patronus running around.

"You can try." He nodded and closed his eyes, concentrating hard to recall a happy memory. Then he swished his wand, chanting the spell but nothing happened. "It's okay; It's very difficult to conjure a corporeal form in one go."

He tried again and again and again and every time it just produced wisps of light. When he was on the verge of giving up, I held his hand and said, "its fine. You don't have to try so hard. We can do this some other time. I think we should go out and sit by the lake. Please....." I looked at him with pleading eyes that I was sure he cannot reject. 

We went towards the Black Lake and perched under the Beech tree. It was dusk time now. Birds were returning home and there was a lot of chirping coming from the trees. We didn't sit, as the ground was wet from the rain in the afternoon so I leaned my back on the tree and Draco leaned sideways with his hand above my head and the other one occasionally ruffling through his hair. We stared at the setting sun and the giant squid enjoying itself far away.

"It's beautiful; I love this time of the day. Did you know that?" I asked Draco, without looking at him.

"I do. We used to do it as kids sometimes, although I never appreciated this much back then.....now I do." I felt his eyes staring me down. The setting sun sent a glow against his waxy skin and his white-blonde hair. He looked like an angel shining against light and then a sudden urge hit me hard in the stomach and I enveloped my hands behind his head as he groped my waist and engulfed our lips into a passionate kiss. Our lips swayed and moved together, as our longing to feel each other increased. We pulled apart to look at each other, to see the same burning desire reflecting in each other's eyes.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now