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"I was thinking about placing Crabbe and Goyle for lookout while we are here." Draco announced. I looked up from the book.

"Crabbe and Goyle? Do we really need lookout? It's not that anyone could barge in." I tilted my head.

"What if Potter discovers any of us coming here and wait outside the room just to catch us. He has an Invisibility cloak. And secondly.....Pansy has been pestering me with questions of where I go often without telling her.....taking Crabbe and Goyle will save me from her questions." I cleared my throat. Although we settled things between us, I don't know why the mere mention of Parkinson's name from his lips riles me up. I inhaled in some air to calm my nerves down and as a result I also got a whiff of his cologne which caused some uninvited swirling in my lower abdomen. I stood up to numb the feeling and paced around.

"Don't you think bringing Crabbe and Goyle will confirm Harry's suspicions? I mean everyone knows Crabbe and Goyle follow you everywhere."

He gave it a thought for some time and then spoke up, "You are right. Also if we keep bringing the same person to guard the doors, anyone will notice that. We have to bring in different people....." he trailed off and then suddenly I noticed a glow in his grey eyes, as if some idea stuck him. "We can Polyjuice them."

"Polyjuice? You mean Polyjuice potion? Can we do that?" I asked him.

"Of course. I just have to get hold of Polyjuice Potion. I can do it from the Potions store-room. Snape isn't there anymore and Slughorn is an idiot. He won't notice anything." I nodded my head. He continued, "However I need hairs from other students."

"I can do that. I can bring hairs from.....the girls."

"You sure?" I snorted at his comment and said,

"Are you questioning my abilities Draco? Do I sense a flicker of doubt?" He looked horrified at me. "Relax Draco, I am joking. And yes I can do that." he relaxed finally.

"Sometimes I can't tell the difference." He murmured and went about repairing the cabinet.

"Let's try this now." he said after some time. He took an apple which I brought for him to eat, because he looked sick most of the time and placed it in the cabinet. Then he said some spell and the cabinet shook once and then stopped shaking. When he opened the cabinet, it was gone, the apple was gone.

"So it went to the....."

"Yes. Now we have to bring it back to see it is returning in one piece." I nodded. He repeated the spell again and the cabinet shook again. Draco looked at me once.

His eyes were filled with fear. I couldn't bear it anymore so I placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "it's going to be okay. We are working hard on this. If it doesn't work we will try harder." I tapped his arm as reassurance and he opened the door of the cabinet. The apple was there. He took it in his hand but disappointed. A large chunk of the apple was missing. He threw the apple on the ground and leaned on the cabinet door and started crying. My hand never left his shoulder. I pulled him towards me and he swiftly hugged me and continued crying on my shoulder. I slowly kept patting his back till he became silent and probably fell asleep in my arms.

 I slowly kept patting his back till he became silent and probably fell asleep in my arms

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                       OK NOW I SEE WHY PEOPLE SHIP DRAPPLE 👱🏽‍♂️💚🍎

I waited at the Zonko's looking at the new products. It was crowded. I kept an eye outside from the window. People could just go around and look up stuff and no one cared. Nobody could just run out with anything without paying. There were charms for that. I saw quite a large number of students walking towards the Three Broomsticks including Potter and friends. Justin, Susan, Ernie, Hannah were there with me and Draco was in detention with Professor McGonagall, so there was no way anyone could suspect him about anything.

"Who's up for Butterbeer?" Susan announced.

"Count me in." I said, without looking up. 

It was already very cold. The autumn wind was chilling. We entered the Three Broomsticks. I immediately searched for Rosmerta. She was nowhere. Leanne from Hufflepuff was sitting alone. She smiled at us when she saw us entering. We took a seat next to the Potter and his friends. Hermione smiled up at me, but Potter was eyeing me cautiously, I ignored him. I wanted him to see that I was not with Draco, just in case we succeeded in the mission today. I kept an eye on every Hogwarts students going out. Most of them were in groups and nothing looked suspicious. 

Leanne sat there alone for quite some-time until Katie Bell of Gryffindor, her best friend came out of the bathroom and they left immediately. Rosmerta appeared too. I straightened up. Not an inch of her seemed like she was under Imperius curse. Suddenly the coin in my pocket started to get warm. 

She has done it! Now the question is who is the student? 

None of my group mates, for no one went to bathroom since we arrived. I waited there long enough until everyone finished their Butterbeer, half-heartedly participating the conversation. When we were about to leave the Inn, a student came rushing frantically in our direction.

"What's up with you?" Ernie asked, him being the Prefect.

"Katie Bell.....something's happened to her, some were saying she was cursed or something. We saw her flying in the air and then she dropped dead." My eyes widened. 

"Cursed? How was she cursed? We just saw her and Leanne leaving." Hannah exclaimed.

"Let's go and see." Ernie said and we went towards the direction. When we reached, Hagrid was picking up what looked like a lifeless body of Katie Bell. 

Shit, is she dead?  

My heart started to beat rapidly as I looked on the ground and saw the necklace lying open. Harry and Ron were examining it. Then Harry took it up in his muffler and ran towards the castle.

"Let's go inside guys." Susan said. I nodded and followed everyone towards the castle. I didn't go looking for Draco immediately; instead I sent him a letter using his own owl. I got up from the table when Ernie asked me, "Where are you off to now?"

"I.....have to.....write to mother. She is all alone now. I haven't written to her in weeks." I left immediately and went up to the Owlery.

" I left immediately and went up to the Owlery

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I read and re-read the letter again so that it didn't seem suspicious at all if by chance it fell into wrong hands and quickly tied it to Draco's Eagle Owl along with some treats. I also sent Peggy away with a letter to mother, just so no one suspects me.

"TAKE MY HAND" A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now