That Friday we set the alarm to watch the first free practice session as it started extremely early, but that's what you get when they race on the other side of the world. Saturday was really exciting because Daniel actually made it to P7. His results weren't that great this year, so I was always keeping my fingers crossed for him to do well.
That Sunday we got up really early again, cuddled up on the couch and ate breakfast while watching the race.
It was really nice finally seeing them race in Australia again and Daniel actually ended up P6 right behind his teammate Lando. I would have liked it the other way around, I liked Lando, but I just wanted Daniel to do well.

After the race we decided it was a good idea to go for a short walk to stretch our legs. My trainer, who taught me the moves that saved my life, had his gym around the corner so we decided to go there. I really wanted to thank him, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here.
We walked in the gym where he was in the coffee bar taking a break. When he saw me walk in he jumped off his chair and hugged my tightly. I flinched a bit, because it was pretty painful, but I didn't want him to let go.
"I cannot explain how much I owe you" I told him with tears in my eyes.
"You did it yourself, knowing what to do and actually being able to do it when you are in danger. Those are two different things. You were incredibly brave." he said, "maybe a bit stupid as well for confronting him, but I am so proud of you!"
"I still want to thank you for showing me what I am capable of" and I hugged him again.
"As soon as I am completely back to normal I really want to continue training with you" I told him.
"And you are welcome to come back, but please take your time first. I don't want you coming back if you are not 100% well" he replied.
"I won't, I promise" I reassured him.
We walked back outside and grabbed a smoothie from a place nearby as we slowly walked back home.

I couldn't help notice Jenna looking at her phone the entire time.
"Jen, if you need to be somewhere it's fine, you don't have to stay with me" I told her.
"No no it's fine, I just expect an e-mail, but it's Sunday so it probably won't come today" she answered as she quickly put away her phone.
I raised my eyebrows and shrugged.

That evening during dinner we talked about everything that happened the last months.
"You know, I realize now that I really don't want to push things forward anymore." I said, "I really want to start doing the things I wanted to do for a long time, but never did because it wasn't the right time, or I thought I needed to save money for later"
"So what did you have in mind then?" Brianna asked.
"I'm going to go to one of the F1 races this year. I don't know which one yet, but it's been a dream for so long. I just never actually got tickets to go. But now I'm like screw it. I'm going, whether it's alone or with somebody. I just haven't figured out which race I would like to go to." I pick up a slice of pizza and see Jenna opening her mouth to say something, but then Brianna coughs and looks at Jenna as she shakes her head ever so slightly that I hardly noticed it.
"Ok, that was weird, what is going on?" As I looked at both of them.
"Nothing is going on, we are just happy you are making plans to actually make on of your dreams come true" Jenna quickly picked up another slice of pizza and took a big bite.
I decided not to get in to it further, because I was actually pretty tired and I just didn't think I would get the full answer anyway. If there was something I needed to know they would tell me.
After diner I took a quick shower and went to bed early. I had the best dream about sitting at one of the stands at a racetrack watching F1 cars on the grid getting ready to start.

It's been a few days and I am by myself as Jenna and Brianna had to go to work. To be honest I kinda like having the place for myself again.
I'm cleaning up the kitchen a bit as I hear my phone buzzing on the counter. I don't recognize the number, but I pick it up anyway. Maybe it's the hospital or something.
"Hey Skylar speaking!" I answer the phone.
Then suddenly I hear a man with an Australian accent saying:" Hi Skylar, it's Daniel Ricciardo, how are you?"
I stare at my phone, not believing what I am hearing. "Yeah right, as if Daniel Ricciardo would call me, seriously who are you and who told you to call me as Daniel?"
The guy on the other side starts laughing,"no really it's me, your friends actually entered you in a lottery to win a tour through the McLaren garage and you won".
"Sure they did, how am I supposed to know it is not some prank or whatever" I was not going to be so naïve and believe somebody on the phone saying they are my favorite driver.
"Wait, I know, do you have FaceTime?" He asks,"then you can see that I'm telling the truth."
"Yeah I do, ok turn your camera on and show me who you are then". I kinda expect him to hang up, but suddenly I get a FaceTime request.
My hands start shaking as I press the green button and I almost drop my phone when I see the face of Daniel appear on my screen.
"Holy Mac and cheese balls, is this for real?" My heart skips a few beats as I see him look at me with that amazing smile on his face.
"Yeah see it's really me, so how are you doing?"
I have to pull myself together but I manage to answer him:" I'm good and you? Why are you calling me, not that I mind off course, but I don't get it."
"Well the team organized a contest to win a tour through the McLaren factory and you won"
"But I didn't sign up for a contest, how did I win?" I realize that he already said something about that, but I can't remember what it was.
"I think your friends actually signed you up, it was only up for 1 day and that was about a week and a half ago."
It makes sense that I don't know about this, because I was in the hospital then, but I still have trouble to comprehend what he is telling me.
"So I won a contest and I get to visit the McLaren factory?" I just need to confirm to hopefully believe what this means.
"Yeah, as there is no raceweekend this week, we are at the factory and we would like to show you around, so you can see all the old cars, we can show you the SIM, just everything there is to see to be honest"
"That sounds amazing, this is like a dream come true! I'm so excited!" I try not to jump up and down, because that would hurt like hell.
"Ok so Friday a car is going to pick you up at 10 in the morning, make sure you're ready. You'll be taken to the factory where you'll have an amazing day. You'll get lunch there, you can meet some members of the team and you can see what they do when we're not racing." He explains.
"Wow, I mean I'm having a hard time believing this, but this is truly the best thing that has happened to me. Thank you so much! I really appreciate this" I start to tear up, but I try not to show Daniel how much this effects me.
"Thank your friends, they made this happen. So Friday at 10, make sure you are ready ok?" I just can't get over the fact that I'm talking to the person who has been the main character in many of my, somewhat grown up dreams.
"No problem, I'll be ready. I think I won't believe it until I actually see the factory, but you have really made my entire year."
"Don't thank me, just enjoy your special day Friday."
"I will, thanks so much. You are absolutely amazing. Just this phone call is already beyond my wildest dreams." I'm still shaking as we end the call and right before he hangs up the phone he winks at me and blows me a kiss.
That's it, I'm going to pass out now.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now