During the night I woke up because I had to go to the toilet. I looked out of the window and I froze. Shane was actually standing in front of the house. He didn't do anything, he was just standing there staring.
I woke the girls up and Jenna immediately called the police. By the time they showed up Shane had left already, but we showed them the messages. They decided to build up a file with everything and asked me to save everything he sent me so they could use it all.
They couldn't do anything at the moment, because it wasn't illegal to be standing outside. But they did tell me not to be alone for a while just to be safe.
After they left we tried to go back to sleep, but it took us almost until the sun came up before we finally dozed off.

Shane didn't stop there. Whenever I went outside he was somewhere around. He never approached me, but he was there and he followed me from a distance. I was absolutely terrified, but still the police couldn't do anything, because Shane never did anything to hurt me.
Jenna pretty much moved in with me then, so I wouldn't be alone. But both of us needed to go to work and I decided I wasn't going to live my life in fear.
So I took lessons with a personal trainer who was specialized in self defense and Krav Maga. He taught me a lot of useful things I could use if Shane or anybody ever tried to harm me in any way.

After a while I was so done with being scared, when I came out of my house and I saw Shane standing on the corner of the street I decided to go to him.
As I approached him I told him:"Leave me alone, I don't want you to keep stalking me, just go and get on with your life."
He looked at me and his eyes were almost icy blue. "If I can't have you nobody can" he replied.
I walked away and called the police, they told me to get away from him as soon as possible and go inside. They would be there asap.
So as I walked towards my door I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and it was Shane.
He looked at me as if he was completely out of his mind.
In a flash I saw him pull something out of his pocket. It was a knife and before I knew it he came at me with it and managed to stab me once in my side before I suddenly went into survival mode and used the skills I learned from my trainer.

As I was trying to fight him off me I heard the police car arrive. They ran towards us with their guns in their hands and yelled at Shane to drop the knife.
Unfortunately Shane had completely lost it, so he ignored them and tried to stab me again. This time I was able to turn away in time, so he missed me. The police again yelled that he had to drop the knife or they would shoot him, but again their words never reached him as he was in blind rage. We were on the ground fighting on the pavement.
Again he came at me with the knife. I rolled away and I heard a loud sound. I looked up and saw Shane drop to his knees and blood pouring out of his stomach. The look on his face was almost surprised, as he only now realized there were cops and other people around.
I heard the police call for two ambulances and I remember thinking, why two, I'm fine. One of the police woman came to me and told me to stay on the ground. She applied pressure on my side even though I really didn't understand why. As I looked at my side I suddenly saw that my shirt was covered in blood and it was at that moment I started feeling severe pain where she was pushing to keep the pressure on.

Luckily the ambulances were there within minutes. I was starting to feel really faint and I was struggling to stay awake. I didn't even feel them put in the IV needle. It was all a blur and as I was starting to lose consciousness all I remember was me asking if somebody would
please call my family and friends.

After what seemed to me like a few minutes I woke up and I remember the lights were so bright I immediately closed my eyes again. I guess there were people in the room, because they noticed me moving and all of a sudden I heard my mom and dad and also Jenna and Brianna talking to me.
As I slowly opened my eyes again I could see them looking at me with worried faces. I tried to ask them why they looked so scared, but my throat was dry so there wasn't much sound coming out.

Jenna held a straw against my lips and I was able to take some sips of water which immediately made me feel a lot better.
I tried to sit up more, but as I moved a sharp pain in my side hit me and it made me hold my breath for a second.
"Don't move sweetheart" I heard my mom say," you are injured so please just lay down".
I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean I am injured? What the hell happened?" I asked them.
Jenna answered "Sky you got stabbed by Shane. You were unconscious for almost 24 hours."
"Wait, what?! He stabbed me? Why would he do that?" I started shaking.
"Don't you remember?" I heard Brianna ask "He lost his mind and he actually said if he couldn't have you, nobody could."
Flashes of the events started to come back in my head as if I was watching a movie.
"You are right, he did say that and i immediately called the cops. I tried to walk away, but he came after me and attacked me. I remember now. I just don't remember him actually stabbing me." I told them.
"Well if it weren't for the training you have had the last months, he would probably been able to stab you a lot more then once" my mom started crying after saying that.
"Wait, the cops, they shot Shane. What happened? How is he doing? Is he also in the hospital?" I managed to slowly get up a bit and Jenna rushed to put some pillows in my back to support me.
"You don't have to worry about him anymore. They tried to save him, but there was too much damage and he didn't make it" Jenna said calmly as she stroked my hair.

I looked at her to see if she was lying to me. A lot of thoughts crossed my mind. How could he be dead? How did I feel about it? Did this mean no longer have to look over my shoulder all the time?
I shook my head trying to comprehend what she just told me.
I felt somebody take my hand and as I looked up it was Brianna who smiled at me as she said "You are free again, he can't hurt you anymore. It's over".
Suddenly it clicked and I just started crying. All the fear and stress of the last months just came flooding out. Also I felt a little bit of sadness over Shane dying, because I did love him at the beginning.
But I realized, I have my life back and then all I could feel was a massive weight being lifted from my shoulders. After 18 months, I could start living again.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now