1. Your Bastard

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Margaery's older sister Mabel was not considered the beauty of the family but the brains following after her brother willas with his love of the stars and animals but margaery could do no wrong. She fell pregnant and was hidden away. When the baby was born Mabel was given the baby to raise as her own. Margaery was going to do great things. Her reputation couldn't be tainted by one mistake. Mabel's reputation though didn't concern anyone. Who cares if the world thought her a slut raising a bastard baby alone. Margaery was to be a queen. Mabel was the spare in their eyes. Although a year older mabel should have been treated with love and devotion she should have been the golden goose, she wasn't.


'I don't understand!" Mabel declared as a baby girl was placed in her arms. 'I didn't make the mistake, why I am to be punished?" Mabel questioned.

"Margaery is going to be queen one day.' Mace told his daughter. 'You would do best to remember that.'

"But the baby is not mine, Margaery-'

'You will raise this baby as your bastard, you will speak to no one of the true parentage, not if you will want to bear the Tyrell name.' mace threatened.

"I don't understand though!' Mabel declared.

'That is because you are a dull girl, like Willas.' Mace said walking off Mabel sucked in a sharp breath.

'Garlan's wife is baren why not give her to them?" Mabel suggested.

'if she birthed a son I would, seeing as though she is not...' Mace said stubbornly.

'but they could have a child! They-'

'Garlan doesn't want a daughter, they are a disgrace to the family already. Adding a daughter" he tsked "No."

'Father please!' Mabel shouted.

'You keep her or i kill her.' Mace warned his daughter.

"Father!' Mabel shouted outraged that he would say such a thing about his own granddaughter. 'Margaery is at fault, this was her vile act, not mine.' Mabel demanded.

'There will be no more discussion on this. This baby is yours now.' He stormed out. Mabel bounced the baby in her arms, the baby looked up to her, slapping her lips together.

'She is hungry.' Mabel told her father but he was already gone. 'I'm sorry little one, my breasts don't work for that." Mabel remarked.

Mabel took the baby in as her own, not that she had much of a choice in the matter but she did it anyways. She named the baby Matilda and she spent every moment with her daughter or her brothers Willas and Garlan. The rest of the family treated her like a pariah, because that was what was expected bringing a bastard into their good house, tainting their good name. Willas, the crippled eldest though didn't fall into the same mold as his family. Garlan married a barren wife and therefore father and grandmother thought him a failure as well. The four of them became even closer as little Matilda grew. Which made leaving for Renly's camps almost two years later that much harder.

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