28. Don't like Margaery

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'Over there are the ashes of Aerion Targaryen bright flame they called him,' Joffrey said as he walked Margaery through the sept. 'He thought drinking wildfire would turn him into a dragon.' Margaery laughed worming her way into the kings heart, 'he was wrong of course... over there is the mad king killed by my uncle. Would you like to see where the last Targaryen's are buried?'

'Are you sure lady Margaery doesn't find us all a bit macabre?' Cersei asked, as Olenna looked over at Margaery and Joffery.

'I am sure your grace. I would love to see the tombs really,' Margaery said 'it's like taking a walk through history.' she said offering Joffrey a smile as he kept a hand around her waist

'The tomb is just up here.'

'How exciting.' Margaergy went on.

'The Targaryen's are buried here your Grace?'

'The last of the dragons.' Cersei remarked.

'Yes,' Joffrey told Margaery 'and he was going to have their bodies burned and thrown into the black water but the high Septon convince them otherwise.'

'I'm glad he didn't'. Margaergy told him and he stopped walking. 'I'm sorry your grace I know they did terrible things at the end but their ancestors built this,' she gestured around the sept 'sometimes severity is the price we pay for greatness.'

'I couldn't agree more,' there was screaming and cheering heard outside the sept

'Shall we go and see them?' Margaery questioned and Joffrey hesitated. 'If you give them your love they will return it a thousand fold.' she assured him 'I've spoken with them I know how they feel about you... you lead the defensive of Kings Landing,' she reminded him 'they adore you.' He looked at her hesitantly before swallowing the lump in his throat

'Open the doors.' he declared Cersei turned around nervously

'Joffrey,' they heard screams and applause from outside Cersei nervously watched her son leave. 'Wait!' she demanded but he kept going Margaery at his arm as Margaery and Joffrey walked out among the people.

'Lady Margaery, lady Margaery,' the people declared happily. She waved to them Joffrey looked over at her and she offered him smile he waved at the people as well.


'Is it to presumptuous to say that you don't like your sister?" Tyrion questioned and Mabel looked down at him and she bit her lip anxiously.

"My sister is the perfect lady, she will make a fine queen,' Mabel said with no emotion what so ever.

'Yes but you don't like her.' Tyrion remarked. 'Loras either, it seems.'

'I love most of my family, correction. I love my tilly, and my elder brothers.' Mabel told him.

'Garlan and Willas.' Tyrion recalled.

'Yes.' Mabel agreed.

'What happened to Willas? I heard he was in an accident when he was younger, it crippled him.' Tyrion recalled.

"Yes, I was young very young at the time and my idiot father,' she muttered. 'wanted him to be a knight one day so he was entered into a touney, he went up against Oberyn Martell.' Mabel said stiffly. 'Oberyn, I don't know if you know but he is very skilled. Willas hadn't ever been in a tourney before he was entered as a squire.' Mabel remarked. 'Oberyn won and Willas fell from his horse, it crippled his leg, he wears a brace and holds a cane, most think him dull but that's because the world is skin deep. That don't see the wonderful man like I do.' Mabel told him.

'He taught you of the stars.' Tyrion remembered.

"Yes, he also hawks and helps with the hounds.'

'We had a hound.' Tyrion teased. 'he was tall and large and mean, but a good fighter.' Mabel stared down at him. 'He was a man, we called the hound.'

"Why would you do that?" Mabel questioned.

'He was joffrey's guard dog. Plus his house sigil is a hound.' Mabel nodded understanding but not liking it.

'Still... That's a rude nickname.' Mabel told him.

"I know, I'm used to those mean names as well, I'm sure you are too.' Tyrion remarked.

'Yes.' She agreed softly. 

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