108. Flip a coin.

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'Whenever a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin in the world holds its breath' varys told jon.

'What do you want?'

'A rightful heir on the throne'

'I don't want it I never have.' Jon told him

'I have known more kings and queens than any man I've seen what they do in front of the crowds and the shadows but what I tell you now is true, you will the rule wisely while she-'

'She is my queen!' Jon told him storming off.


'Your grace... there is some thing you need to know' tyrion began as he found Daenerys staring out over the seas.

'Someone has betrayed me' daenerys told him

'Yes.' Tyrion admitted

'Jon snow' she told him

'Varys' tyrion corrected.

'He knows the truth about Jon.' Danny agreed

'He does.' Tyrion admitted

'Because you told him? You learned from Sansa and she learned from Jon, even though I begged him not to tell! but he betrayed me!' danny spat. Storming up to tyrion.

'I'm glad sansa told me, I am your hand I need to be aware of any threats.' Tyrion reminded her

'and Varys?'

'You spoke to him first without coming to me or asking my permission?' danny yelled at him, tyrion took a step back.

'It was a mistake' he admitted

'why do you think sansa told you? what did you think she hoped a gain?' danny questioned again getting closer.

'She trusts me.' tyrion told her.

'Yes she trust you. She trusted you to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen. And you did not let her down.' Danny told him defiantly.

'If I have failed you my queen forgive me her intentions were good... you wanted a better world for all of us, as much as anyone. It doesn't matter now.' Tyrin reminded her

'No it doesn't matter now' She agreed turning back to the window.


'It was me' tyrion admitted

'Goodbye old friend' varys said.

'Lord varys. I daenarys targaryan first of her name breaker of chains in mother of dragons sentence you to die' her final remaining dragon came up behind her 'Dracarus' she said and varys went up in flames and burned nothing.

Tyrion was worried about Mabel and Tilly. The closer they got to the iron throne the more Daenerys was acting like a mad queen.


'The people are innocent just like the people you liberated in Maureen.'

'The slaves liberated the masters they did that themselves' Daenerys told him

'They are scared anyone who betrays cersei will see their family butchered you cannot expect them to be heroes they are hostages!' tyrion told her 'Thousands of children will die if the city burns.'

'Your sister uses her enemies weaknesses against them that's what she thinks our mercy is weakness. She is wrong. Mercy is our strength. Our mercy towards future generations who will not be held hostage by a tyrant. Ready the unsullied tonight we sail for kings landing.'

'cersei's followers will abandon her if they know the war is lost, give them a chance! Tyrion begged 'if the city surrenders it will ring the bells and raise the gates please if you hear the ringing the bells call off the attack!' Tyrion bagged

'Wait for me outside the city you will know when it's time' she told Grey worm.

'Your brother was stopped trying to get past our lines. It seems he hasn't abandoned his sister.' Danny told tyrion 'Next time you fail me will be the last time you fail me.' she warned him.


'Where are you going?' a guard asked as sandor and arya approached kings landing, approached the capital.

'I am arya stark and I am going to kill queen cersei.' the guard looked between them confused.

'Think about it, if she kills the queen this war is over won't be a siege might not even die tomorrow' Sandor told him

'I need to go talk to my captain'

'Go ahead and talk to him' Sandor said as they rode past.


'I want to be alone with the prisoner' tyrion told jaimes guard.

'We were ordered to stay with the prisoner' he informed tyrion.

'By the queen?'


'Then whoever it is I'm sure I out rank them by a lot.' He entered the tent where Jaime was being held. 'how did they find you?' tyrion asked and Jaime raised a golden hand. 'Did you consider taking it off?'

'Cersei once called me the stupidest Lannister...' jaime told him

'you're going back there to die with her?'


'If you hear the bells that means they surender. Call off your men.' Tyrion begged them. As they waited for daenarys signal to strike.

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