85. Howling in the snow

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'The bastard of Winterfell' Tyrion said smiling over at them.

'The dwarf of Casterly rock.'

'I believe we last saw each other the wall.'

'I believe you were pissing off the wall'

'It's been a long road'

'It certainly has' Jon agreed he looked to mabel and Tilly. 'You finally stop whoring and get a girl and child?' Jon mused.

"I did.' Tyrion agreed. 'Mabel Tyrell and Tilly.' Tyrion introduced.

'HI!" Tilly shouted at him happily.

"Hello,' Jon said down to her. 'In Jon Snow.' He told her.

'Hello,' Mabel echoed softly as she picked up Tilly. 'I'm Mabel, this is Tilly.'

"ME!" Tilly agreed.

"YOU!' Mabel echoed kissing her cheek.

'Welcome to Dragon Stone the queen knows it's a long journey and she thank you on your behalf' Messandei told Jon and his men 'if you won't mind turning over your weapons...'

'Of course' Jon said hesitantly as they pass them off to the Dothraki men begrudgingly they also talking boat they had rowed in on... they were now trapped.

'Please this way'

'I would like to know how the bastard became king of the north' Tyrion remarked as they walked.

'As long as you tell me how a dwarf became hand of the queen.'

''Fair warning northern men don't travel well in the south, neither do starks.'

'I'm not a stark-' the dragons flew overhead and Jon and his men fell to the ground. 'dragons.' Jon muttered. As Tilly roared jumping up and down. Jon watched her, the girl of three so excited and happy to see a dragon.

'I'd say you get used to them but you really never do, not unless you are tilly of course' Tyrion told him. 'Come she's waiting for you.'

'ROAR!" Tilly shouted up at Jon a big smile on her face.

'Your house sigil-' Mabel began.

'I am a bastard.' Jon corrected.

'Right right but your father was a dire wolf, correct?" Mabel asked .

'Yes my lady.' Jon confirmed.

'Tilly never stops roaring,' Mabel told him softly as they walked. Tyrion held to Tilly's hand to keep her from stumbling as they moved towards the castle. 'Between dragons and lions it's roaring and flapping her arms.' Mabel explained. 'Tilly, Jon is a wolf.'

'Wolf.' She repeated her little lips puckering.

'What do wolves say?" Mabel questioned and Jon smiled down at Tilly.

'Woof, woof.' Tilly declared jumping up like a hyperactive Chihuahua.

'Actually,' Jon corrected. 'they howl.' Jon howled and Tilly mimicked him tipping her head up happily.

'Mama, mama!' Tilly exclaimed. Mabel howled with her as they made their way to the throne room a laugh on her lips as Tilly ran up to danny, climbing into her lap on the throne while they entered. Tyrion and Mabel left Jon's side as he took in the room, the soldiers, the dragon queen.

Tainted // Tyrion Lannisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن