22. You look tired

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Wandering // Sandor Clegane out now!!

'Are you tired?' Mabel questioned after dinner.


'You look tired.' Mabel told tilly

'I'm not!' She said jumping up and around to prove she wasnt tired.

'Okay little miss,' mabel agreed leaning back on the couch. Her elbow on the couch her hand on her head and a yawn on her lips she watched tilly jump around.

'Mamas tired,' tyrion remarked and her eyes slid over to him next to her.

'I don't get to be tired until she is.' Mabel informed him. She let her hand fall to her lap and her head tip into tyrion. He ran a soothing hand up and down her thigh as tillys jumping slowed she tried to hide a yawn but tyrion saw it.

'Bed time,' tyrion said softly mabel had fallen asleep her bent leg had tipped into his and her chest rose and fell in steady breaths.

'No,' tilly said a pout on her lips.

'Come here.' Tyrion told her holding out his arms. He helped her pull herself up next to them.

'Story?' Tilly questioned

'You want a story?' Tyrion questioned and tilly nodded eagerly. 'Well when I was a little older than you...' tilly smiled back at him as she pulled at mabels dress pulling at the flower embroidery. 'I wished for my name day a dragon.'


'What does a dragon do? Do you know?' Tyrion questioned and tilly flapped her arms whapping mabels leg. She slowly opened her eyes as tyrion kept going

'That's right. Dragons fly.' Tyrion told her and tilly tipped back into him happily. 'Well i wanted a dragon for my name day it was the only thing i wanted." Sad story all the dragons are supposed to be dead tyrion thought. "What do you want for your name day?" Tyrion asked

'A star!' Tilly told him

'You want a star?' Tyrion questioned and mabel let out a sigh. Tilly always wanted a star but mabel couldn't pluck one from the sky if she could mabel surely would. She would do anything for tilly

'A star!' Tilly agreed

'Well then I will get you a star.' Tyrion told her and mabels face pinched as she let out a sharp breath righting herself on the couch.

'Mama! 'Tilly said happily.

'Bed tome love. Goodnight tyrion.' Mabel said stiffly.

'Oh. Right of course,' tyrion siad getting up. 'Goodnight.' He moved slowly to the door. Of course having a man in her room this late was scandalous to most but that didn't seem to be the reason. Still he left closing the door behind him.


Tywin sat at the head of the table as the other masters followed in taking their seats. Tyrion, and Cersei took the seats as well but Cersei moved her chair to sit at her father's right side. Tyrion took his chair and moved it as well, it scraped along the floor to the opposite end head of the table.

'Intimate. Lovely. The table And chairs are better than the old small council chamber conveniently closer to your own quarters. I like it.' Tyrion noted getting comfortable.

'What news of Jaime?' Tywin said looking around the table '20,000 unwashed northerners have known about the escape for weeks, collectively you control more spies and informants than the rest of the world combined.' Tywin reminded them getting more and more aggravated by the moment. 'do you mean to tell me that none of you have any motion of where he is?"

'We are trying my Lord' Varys said 'there's the-'

'Try harder.' he demanded 'what do we have then?'

'Robb stark and most of his Bannerman are in the riverrunn for the funeral of his grandfather Lord Tully and in the starks absence Bolton holds Harrenhal. Which would seem to make him Lord of Harrenhal in practice if not in-'

'The name suits our purposes, more on that useless pile of rubble the Lord of Harrenhal will make a worthy suitor for the widow Ayryn.' Tywin told Petyr.

'For which I am extremely grateful to you my lord...' Petyr said 'Lady Aryn and I have known each other since we were children she has always been positively predisposed towards me-'

'Make it work, Lord Baelish.' Tywin snapped.

'Titles do seem to breed titles.' Petyr acknowledged.

'You will leave for the erie as soon as possible and bring lysa aryn into the fold and the young wolf can add the Aryns to the list of people who is taking up arms against him.' Tywin informed him.

'Far be it for me to hinder true love,' tyrion added 'but Lord Baelish's absence would present certain problems the royal wedding may end up being the most expensive event in living memory. Summer has ended hard days are ahead. It is not a good time to leave the kings crowns finances unattended.' Tyrion reminded them.

'Fully agreed' Pycelle said

'Which is why I'm naming you new master of coin' tywin told him.

'Master of coin?' Tyrion questioned

'it seems to me that is the best position that suits your talents.' Tywin added smugly .

'No I'm quite good at spending money.' Tyrion reminded him, 'but a lifetime of outrageous spending has not taught me about managing it.'

'I have no doubt he will prove equal to this challenge.' Cersei told him.


Mabel tried and failed to avoid tyrion the next day

'Mabel.' Tyrion called catching up with her

'Hello lord Tyrion,' she said stiffly

'Back to formality are we?' Tyrion questioned

'Can I help you?' She questioned not daring to look down at him

'What did I do wrong?' Tyrion questioned. 'Tell me what I did and i will fix it.' Tyrion assured

'You promised tilly a star.' Mabel told him. 'You can't give her a star and she is going to be heart broken.' Mabel told him and it all made sense now. 'Don't make promises to my daughter that you cannot keep because then i have to wipe away the tears and explain to her that it is not possible to have star.' Mabel told him

'Mabel I didn't mean to-'

'I know you didn't but still you did and she is so excited about getting a star.' Mabel told him through an exasperated breath. 'I'm sorry I have to go.' Mabel told him pulling tilly away

'TT!' Tilly said waving from mabels arms. So tyrion had to get tilly a star. 

Tainted // Tyrion Lannisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن