41. Oberyn

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'How many Dornish men does it take to fuck a goat?' Bronn said and Tyrion let out a huff of a breath. This was turning out to be a long morning.

'Please don't.' Tyrion begged, Bronn sat down on a stump by a tree leaning against it.

'it seems to me a smart place to meet travelers is in a tavern that way one parties late the other party can drink some ale inside.' Bronn remarked.

'It is the prince of Dorne we are waiting for.' Tyrion reminded him 'not to sell sword friend.'

'If he's so damn important why did they send you to meet him?' Bronn questioned.

''There is bad blood between the Martell's of Dorne and the Lannister's of Castlery rock for years.' Tyrion told them.

'And just in case the Martel's of Dorne spill some Lannister blood it might as well be yours?' Bronn suggested.

''I also happen to be a skilled diplomat.' Tyrion reminded him.

'Oh.' Bronn said taking another drink

'Here we are.' Tyrion said noting the horses coming up the trail 'can you read the sigils?' Bronn looked ahead. Tyrion, Bronn and Podrick stood at attention as the dornish approached.

'yellow balls.' Bronn said squinting into the distance

'Lemon trees house thorn of lemon wood.' Podrick answered. 'A vulture grasping a baby in its talons house Blackmore.' Podrick said reading them off as they got closer 'crown and skull the leaders of King Gray.'

'The boy knows his Dornish houses.' Tyrion applauded

'I know the sigils.' Bronn said stiffly

''And House Martell a red sun pierced by a spear?' Tyrion questioned

'I don't see it my Lord.' Podrick told him.

'Well met my lords.' Tyrion said stepping forward 'your grace king Joffrey welcomes you in his name and my Lord Hand father sends his greeting as well I am Tyrion Lannister of castlery rock master of coin.' They just stared down at him. 'Forgive me.' Tyrion said looking them over 'I don't see Prince Doran in your company.'

'The princes ales have forced him to stay at Suns peak he sent his brother Oberyn in his place to attend the royal wedding in his stead.' Prince Doran was the stable Martell but Oberyn was known to be trouble.

'well I'm glad to have Prince Oberyn, as well I know king joffrey and my father the lord hand tywin Lannister will be also pleased to have the prince of dorne for this most wonderful of days.' Tyrion looked around. 'Where is he?"

'Our prince is not one for welcome parties, he arrived before dawn.'

'Yes of course, well the king would be delighted.' Tyrion said after a brief pause, 'to be in the company of a warrior such a renowned as prince Oberyn and his wedding feast.'

'Will he?' The Dornish man asked

'Of course... Very well.' Tyrion said turning around, now he had to find a possibly murderous prince roaming kings landing. 'these fine men from the city watch will escort you-' they started walking past him 'to the city watch you must be wary after such... A long journey.' Tyrion said

'Yes true diplomacy' Bronn added

'Prince Oberyn is known as the red viper.' Tyrion told them

'So you're thinking trouble?' Bronn questioned

'What do you think?' Tyrion told him

'So where now?' Bronn questioned

''We will find Prince Oberyn before he kills someone.' Tyrion suggested.

'How do you plan on finding a single Dornish man in a city full of them?' Bronn questioned.

'He just arrived in the capital after a long journey after two weeks of bad road where would you go?'

'To a proper bed but I'm getting old.' Bronn remarked.


'Prince Oberyn please pardon the interruption but what might we...' Oberyn pulled a blade from the man's back he screamed out in pain

'Apologies my love.' Oberyn said pulling Ellaria to him

'I am here to welcome you to the capital.' Tyrion said as Oberyn kissed the woman and she glanced over at Tyrion.

'Ellaria my paramour.' oberyn told him 'The kings old uncle amp Tyrion son of Tywin Lannister.' Oberyn noted.

'If there's anything I can do to help you make your stay better in Kings Landing-' Tyrion began.

'But who are you?' Oberyn questioned 'his hired killer?'

'It started that way.' Bronn told him.

'How did that come to pass?'

'I killed the right people I suppose.' Bronn told him and Oberyn laughed walking towards them

'We will need a few more girls yes?' Oberyn suggested happily and Bronn nodded eagerly.

'Not me, but we will talk again later.' Tyrion told him for he was going to get nowhere and didn't really want to be seen in a brothel, not anymore.


'You're a queen not an ox your grandfather gave me a necklace just like this one on my 51st name day.' Olenna said tossing it over the balcony Margaery and Mabel watched it fly. They were supposed to pick out necklaces for the ceremony for Margaery to wear

'Grandmother!" Mabel exclaimed as Tilly picked up the jewelry wanting to throw it as well. 'No tilly, your great grandmother is a bad influence.' Mabel whispered.

'The wedding is in a fortnight grandmother you can't say no to everything,' Margaery told her

'Nonsense... my little dears go and speak to the jewelers of Kings Landing tell them who you are tell them who sent you the one who brings me the best necklace will get to keep the next best,' Olenna told her flock and they ran off excitedly.

'The Margaery Tyrell who walks into the steps a Fortnight from now will inspire a song of thousands,' Olenna went on, 'how sad it would be if she's wearing rubbish like that.' Olenna told her as they sat down.

'I should've just let Joffrey choose it for me end up with a string of dead sparrow heads around my neck.' Margaery remarked and Mabels face scrunched up.

'You watch that even here even with me and Mabel.'

'I won't say anything,' Mabel assured, she was the good daughter that did as she was told.

'Oh I know that my dear but... My word...' Olenna said looking back at Brienne of tarth. She walked up behind them hesitantly. It had been rumored that she had killed Renly Baratheon, she didn't but she didn't know if she would be welcomed.

'My lady, my lady, my lady, please pardon me for interrupting my name is Brienne of tarth-'

'I know who you are, we heard all about you.' Olenna told her 'hearing is one thing aren't you just marvelous absolutely singular. I hear you knocked my grandson into the dirt like a silly little boy that he is.' Brienne tried to hide the smile from her face as Olena talked.

'That was a sight to see.' Mabel agreed.

'My lady,' she turned her attention to Margaery 'I know this is very busy time for you but if I could just have a moment.'

'You best not refuse,'Olena said looking to Margaery


'A shadow.' Margaery questioned.

'A shadow with a face of Stanis Baratheon,' Brienne told her 'I swear do you by all the gods it was Stannis he plunged his sword through Renly's heart and disappeared. One day my lady I will avenge our king.'

'Joffrey is our king now.' Margaery told her

'I meant no offense-'

'And you've given none.' Margaery assured sweetly.

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