2. Renly

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 Margaery, Loras, Mabel and Matilda were at the camps of Renly Baratheon, future hopefully, king of the seven kingdoms. Their father and grandmother were right, Margaery was a queen. Too bad the Baratheon brothers were in an open rebellion with the crown so Margaery wasn't THE queen.

Renly and Margaery shared a quick kiss and it had been done, King and Queen, man and woman, husband and wife. Mabel clapped against her thigh as she held Matilda in her arms.

'Tilly,' Mabel whispered. She was currently trying to touch her tongue to her little nose. 'Matilda,' Mabel whispered kissing her nose. 'Your aunt Margie is married, look.' Mabel pointed and Tilly glanced back at Margaery, disinterested in the new queen.

Mabel loved that Tilly didn't care for margaery, she loved Mabel with her whole little heart. Mabel didn't mind that Margaery didn't pay them any attention. It was better for everyone if they kept their distance but as Margaery was married to a rebellious king it was Mabel's duty as sister to be here for here even though a war camp was no place for a child and Mabel begged her father to let her stay at high garden.

There was a joust in honor of the new king and queen Renly Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell.

'Loras! Go high garden!' Margaery declared standing up clapping for her brother. But the opposing knight got her brother on his back. Mabel smirked as her brother raised his hands in defeat.

'I yield.' he said 'I yield.' and the knight stood up, Loras let out an exasperated breath as he pulled himself up. His eyes locked on Renly before Renly turned his attention to the winning knight.

'Well fought, approach.' Renly said and the knight knelt before him. 'rise remove your helmet.' A woman was revealed one of the tallest woman any of them had ever seen. 'Your father promised greatness and more my lady,' Renly told her happily. 'I've never seen ser Loras bested once or twice never in quite that fashion.' Renly applauded.

'No no my love my brother fought valiantly for you.' Margaery encouraged.

'Bet by a girl... you see that Tilly, your uncle got his ass handed to him.' Mabel whispered sitting in the dirt as Tilly played with a handmade doll, she cherished it. Carried it everywhere with her. Tilly called her dolly and tucked her into bed next to them every night. She brought it from high garden and the doll wore a dress that had flowers embroidered on it, Tilly loved it. She held it up for Mabel to kiss, before kissing the doll herself.

'That he did my queen but there can only be one champion,' Renly told her 'Brienne of tarth you might ask anything of me that you desire within my power is yours.' she bowed again before him

'Your Grace I asked the honor of a place in your kings guard. I will be one of your seven pledge my life to yours and keep you safe from all harm.' Brienne told him.

'Done.' Renly agreed 'rise Brienne of the kings guard.'

'I would want her protecting me too.' Mabel told Tilly, 'a trust a woman I don't know more than Loras any day. Especially a warrior of her size.' Mabel added, tilly smiled up at her, making her doll dance on the ground. Brienne stepped back only for Catelyn stark and a squire to step forward.

'Your Grace I have the pleasure to introduce to you Catelyn Stark sent by her son Robb Lord of Winterfell.'

'Lord of Winterfell and King in the north.' Catelyn corrected.

'Pleased to see you. May I present my wife Margaery of house Tyrell.' Renly told her.

'You are very welcome here lady Stark I'm so sorry for your loss.' Margaery told her.

'Your most kind.' Catelyn said. Mabel looked over at Catelyn, she had heard, everyone had heard of Ned Starks execution, Mabel never wished any harm on anyone and to hear of such a massacre in front of his own daughter... mabel thought she might just hate King Joffrey. Putting the poor girl through that, putting the whole family through that.

'My lady I swear to you I will see the Lannister's answer for your husbands murder.' Renly hold her 'when I take Kings Landing I'll bring you Joffrey's his head.' there's a roar of approval.

'It'll be enough to know that justice was done my lord.' catelyn told him

'Your Grace,' Brienne corrected 'and you should kneel when you approach the king.' Renly stood up to approach Catelyn.

'Don't worry the war is just beginning.' he said leading her off. Margaery watched the leave with distaste as Tilly pat her stomach.

'I hun-ge' Tilly said.

'Alright then lets go find some supper.' Mabel suggested scooping Tilly up.

Renly and Catelyn walked the camps to get a bit of privacy when they came across a soldier he limp towards them.

'Your grace.'

'Hows the foot?" Renly questioned, Brienne followed behind him a dutiful kings guard.

'Better your grace.' He answered. 'they don't know their own size is all.' He gestured to the horse, he had been stomped on recently. Catelyn noticed how the people seemed to like Renly, open up to him.

'I have 100 thousand men in my command all the knights in the stormland and the reech-'

'and all of them young and bold like your knight of flowers.' Catelyn remarked. 'it's a game to you isn't it. I pity them.'

'why?' Renly questioned

'Because they are knights of summer and winter is coming.' Catelyn warned.

'brienne, escort lady Catelyn to a tent.' Renly instructed. 'she is tired from her journey.'

'Of course your grace. Shall I return after?'

'That won't be necessary I will pray awhile, alone.' Renly said walking off

'if you would follow me, my lady.' Brienne instructed.

'you fought bravely today lady Brienne.' Catelyn told her.

'I fought for my king, soon I will fight for him on the battle field, die for him if I must and if it pleases you Brienne is enough I am no lady.'

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