111. Enough

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When the war was done Daenarys had won but her victory lasted for such a breif period that the world was in shambles literally burning while trying to figure out the next king or queen. Mabel waited anxiously getting more and more tense by the second then she saw tyrion she shot up out of her seat.

'He is our prisoner.' grey told her when she opened her mouth to object.

'Is that really necessary?' Mabel questioned pulling at tyrions chains.

'he is our pri-'

'Let him go'. Mabel demanded

'Our queen-'

'Your queen is dead.' Mabel corrected.

'Tyrion defeyed our queen!'

'Your queen burned kings landing to the ground. Your queen should be glad shes dead or else she would have to deal with me!' Mabel shouted

'Alright alright.' Tyrion said trying to diffuse the tension. 'Lets not argue with the cockless men they have enough problems.' Tyrion told her, Tilly sat in Bran's lap she waved over at Tyrion confused.

'She burned the whole of kings landing to the ground. Everyone in it. Gone. Innocent children. Gone. People just trying to live in peace. Gone.' tyrion told her softly.

'And Jon?'

'He killed the queen.' Tyrion told her. 'She needed to be stopped. She was never going to stop. Everything was going to burn Mabel, every corner of every inch of this world.' tyrion told her and she nodded. She believed Tyrion. 'Go sit down, Mabel, please. Don't anger them.' Tyrion begged he couldn't have her getting in trouble, his death, he was fine with but Mabel needed to think about Tilly and their baby, herself but right now all Mabel could see was Tyrion in chains and it was breaking her heart.

'Where is jon?' sansa asked

'Jon snow is our prisoner just like tyrion'

'Some of you might be quick to forgive but the iron islands are not, we swore to protect to follow to serve Daenerys Targaryen.' Yara told them.

'You swore to serve a tyrant!'

'She got rid of cersei Lannister. Let the unselling give him what he deserves he stabbed a dagger through her chest!' yara demanded.

'Say one more word about my brother and I will slit your throat!' arya warned.

'Friends please we have been cutting each other's throats long enough'. Davos said 'if it was not for you and your men we would've lost the war with the undead... there's land in the reach Good land the people that used to live there or gone make it your home start your own house as the unsullied as your Bannerman.' Davos suggested 'we have had enough war to know we need to find a better way way.'

'We do not need payment we need justice' Gray worm told him 'Jon Snow cannot go free.'

'It is not for you to decide' Tyrion said

'You are not to speak everyone has heard enough words from you!' Grey spat at him.

'Watch it!' Mabel warned but Bran grabbed her hand, her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn't lose Tyrion, not after everything, this was not how their journey ended.

'You're right and no one is any better for it. But it is not for you to decide, Jon committed his crime, his fate is for our King to decide or our queen.' Tyrion told them.

'We don't have a king or queen'

'You're the most powerful people in Westeros choose one' Tyrion told them.

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