15. More of the same

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'When we were young my father couldn't even tell us apart...' Cersei was telling Sansa as she drunk her way into oblivion. 'I didn't understand why he let jaime fight and not me.' cersei went on.

The flock of noble woman sat praying with sansa while cersei drank ignoring them and their whines.

'I wanted to fight with sword and lance but instead I was taught to smile and say please and he was the heir to Castlery rock and I was sold to some stranger like a horse to be ridden whenever he desired...' cersei went on bitterly.

'You were Roberts queen.' Sansa told her

'And you will be Joffrey's...' cersei told her. 'enjoy...' Cersei got another drink looking around the room.

'I don't think I know this one.' Cersei said seeing Shae standing in the corner she got up walking over to her. 'pretty,' shae stood up straight before doing an awkward curtsey before cersei. 'that is the worst curtsey I've ever seen.' Cersei told her 'I mastered it when I was four.' Cersei informed her snottily.

'straighten your back and bend.' cersei demonstrated shae repeated her. 'Better you learn fast. How long have you been in lady sansas service?'

'A few weeks... Your grace.' shae answered as soon as cersei sat back down

'When did you leave Loro?' shae didnt answer. 'I had a Baratheon handmaiden once although she was a lords daughter and you're not. When did you come to Westeros?' confused shae answered.

'ten years ago.' shae said,

'From a commoner to the red keep in ten years... yet somehow you didn't learn how to curtsey... I imagine that is an interesting story considering your age.' Shae offered her a tight lipped smile. 'yes a woman of your age should be quite experienced.' Cersei added a smirk playing on her lips. 'What is your name?' cersei questioned looking her over.

'Shae your grace.'

'tell us a story Shae.' Cersei requested bringing her glass to her lips again. shae thought for a moment she didn't have many stories that wouldn't give away her past.

''When I was 13...' Shae began but a guard came running in calling for her Grace.

'Get the king back to his room.' Cersei demanded.

'the kings presence is good for moral, your grace.'

'GET THE KING BACK TO HIS ROOM!' cersei demanded. Cersei stormed out she brought tommen to the throne room, sitting on the iron throne. Meanwhile sansa ran back to her room terrified.

'this is going to help you sleep. Give you sweet dreams.' Cersei was saying kissing her sons face as he sat nervously in her lap. 'alright my sweet boy,' cersei brought the vial to his lips, it was best, when the city fell he would be gone, he wouldn't be tormented. Cersei took a deep breath as the doors opened.

'Father!" cersei cried out, the vial dropped to the floor, its contents spreading along the smooth surface.

'the war is over. We have won.' Tywin declared. 'you are safe now.' Mace Tyrell stood victoriously behind Tywin.


'Well they won, that's a good start.' Mabel remarked tending to Garlans wound, a decent cut on his arm.

"I'm fine Mabie,' Garlan told her.

"I know but I am going to check it anyways.' Mabel told him and he covered her hands with his.

"Mabie, Mabie look at me.' Garlan begged and her eyes drifted up to his. "I'm sorry this isn't home.' Garlan told her.

'If they allow us in and I don't have to be harassed by soldiers every day... then it's a better alternative.' Mabel informed him.

"I wont let anyone hurt you.' Garlan assured her. 'I promise.'

"I know, now let me fight you up.' Mabel requested, kissing his cheek. She stitched and wrapped the wound, after cleaning it out.

"You should be a nurse.' Garlan remarked running his fingers over the bandage.

'I could but I wont amount to anything more than a slut.' Mabel said repeating her fathers words to her over the years.

'You are not a slut, you are a wonderful person. An amazing mother and an extraordinary sister.' Garlan told her.

"I'm... the tainted flower.' She said through gritted teeth.

"You are not.' Garlan assured.

"That's all anyone sees!" Mabel shouted. 'I hate that I cant be a normal girl, fall in love and...' she shook her head miserably. 'I love Tilly. I love her more than anyone or anything in the whole wide world.' Mabel assured him. 'I just wish that the world didn't think me a slut for it. For being a decent human being and not letting an innocent baby die.' Mabel said sadly. 'and you know what home wouldn't be any better, father knows the truth, Loras too and they all treat me like this. I don't understand! I don't understand them!' she shouted. Tilly covered her ears and mabel dropped to her knees. 'Oh I'm sorry love,' Mabel coed kissing tilly's cheeks.

"It otay.' Tilly told her putting her hands down.

'They just make me so angry, Gar. I can't stand it.' Mabel told him.

'maybe this place will be different.' Garlan suggested.

"It wont, it will be more of the same.' Mabel hissed. 'Come on Tilly lets go meet the King.' Mabel said miserably picking up her daughter, Garlan followed them out.  

Tainted // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now