88. Who's the Boss?

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'They scare me a little bit.' Mabel admitted coming up behind Jon. 'But Tilly loves them.' she added as Tilly reached out petting the dragons scales. Rhaegal looked over at her briefly before laying his head back down.

'Very trusting.' Jon remarked.

'I think the Queen told them not to eat us.' Mabel told him. 'but I could be wrong.' She admitted. 'they don't tend to hurt people unless instructed.'

'Have they?'

"They are dragons. When their mother was under attack... we all were, at the fighting pits these awful men came and tried to kill us all.' Mabel told him 'but Drogon I believe his name is, not one of these two. Drogon is bigger, the biggest,' Mabel informed him. 'he came swooping down, charred the men trying to kill Danny and saved us all.'

'Wow,' Jon said looking back at to he two dragons in front of him.

'Yeah, so Tilly comes out here when they are sleeping and pets them. as though they were nothing more than a giant puppy.' Mabel remarked. 'I see the dangers but they are gentle to us. As though they know we are friend and not foe.'

'What am i?' Jon countered.

"I suppose that if for the queen to decide.' Mabel said nodding to Danny.

'Amazing thing to see. I named them for my brother Rhaegar and viserys. They're both gone now. You lost two brothers as well. People thought dragons were gone forever, but here they are. Perhaps we should all be examining what we think we know.'

'You've been talking to Tyrion.'

'He is my Hand. ' Danny reminded him

'- He enjoys talking'. Jon countered

'- We all enjoy what we're good at.'

'I don't.' jon admitted.

'You know I'm not going to let Cersei stay on the Iron Throne.' Danny informed him as Tilly ran up to her hugging her legs.

'I never expected that you would.'

'And I haven't changed my mind about which kingdoms belong to that throne.' Danny told him sternly.

'I haven't either.' Jon told her and Danny let out a long sigh

'I will allow you to mine the dragon glass and forge weapons from it. Any resources or men you need, I will provide for you.' Danny agreed

'Thank you. So you believe me, then, about the Night King and the Army of the Dead?' jon questioned hopefully.

'You'd better get to work, Jon Snow.' Danny said walking up to Viseron, she held out a hand and Tilly mimicked her petting his large nose. 'Tilly could have been a dragon rider.' Danny told Mabel.

'Dragon rider.' Mabel said shaking her head. 'goodness, that sounds dangerous.'

'Ride Drago!' Tilly declared.

'When you are older.' Mabel suggested hoping that day would never come and tilly pouted at her. 'when the day comes I'm sure our queen would be happy to take you but you are too little.' Mabel told her.

"I big.' Tilly objected.

'Your mother is right.' Danny confirmed. 'when you are bigger.'

'I big!' Tilly declared again a big pout on her lips.

'Who's the boss here?' Danny questioned and Tilly pointed at Mabel and Jon chuckled. 'That's right, mama is the boss and you have to listen to her.' Danny told Tilly and she nodded begrudgingly. 'Sorry,' danny whispered passing her off.

'You know when she is bigger she is going to want to take your babies as high as the stars.' Mabel remarked.

'ive never been that high.' Danny remarked. 'an adventure for the both of us.' Danny suggested kissing Tillys head as she went back inside.


'Does it hurt?'

'A bit. Less than before.' Jorah admitting

'The infection no longer appears to be active.' Sam remarked

'Unusual. Unlikely. One could almost be forgiven for thinking that the entire upper layer of diseased skin was debrided and the underlying region treated with some sort of unguent.'

'Don't know anything about that. I just started feeling better. I assumed it was the rest that did it. And the climate.' Jorah told the maesters confidently.

'The climate.... You're free to go, ser.' Jorah stared at them, he was cured, he was free to go? 'This chamber is needed for the infectious, which you are no longer. Tarly, I'd like to speak with you in my study this evening.'

'How bad is it?'

'Suppose I'll find out this evening.'

'Where will you go?' Sam asked as Jorah prepared to leave

'I surrendered to this sickness the moment I first saw it. I knew it would kill me or I'd kill myself before it could. Daenerys Stormborn convinced me otherwise. The only place for me is back with her. I owe her my life. Her and you.' Jorah told sam.

'Your father saved me more than once. It's the least I could do.' Sam remarked 'Perhaps our paths will cross again.'

'I hope they do.' Jorah agreed

'You treated him?" Ebrose questioned


'Who told you to treat him?'

'No one.' Sam answered nervously.

'Who forbade you, or anyone, to attempt to treat him?'

'I seem to remember you.' Sam admitted.

'But you treated him anyway?'

'- I did, yes.'

'I forbade it because it is dangerous and rarely successful, especially on someone of that age. You could have infected yourself and others. You could have devastated the entire Citadel. But you didn't. It's a meticulous, difficult procedure. Many maesters whose chains are heavy with healing links have attempted it and failed. Yet you succeeded. How?'

'I read the books and followed the instructions.' Sam told him.

'That man is alive because of you. You should be proud.'

'Thank you, Archmaester.' Sam told him gratefully.

'Come here. All these manuscripts and scrolls are rotting away. I need you to make copies of them. You were expecting a reward. Your reward is not being immediately expelled from the Citadel. You'd better get started. And careful of the paper mites. They like flesh as well.'

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