6. Marriage is interesting

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'I'm sure you'll come up with something eventually,' Cersei told him

'Joffrey needs to start acting like a king. The city is coming to our doorstep the entire city wants Joffrey dead.' Tyrion reminded her.

'I'm not the one with a cause to abuse!'

'I thought the girls might help him I was wrong.' Tyrion admitted his name day present of a few whores turned out to be a very bad idea, so much for listening to Bronn, for Joffrey beat the girls, had them beat each other bloody. 'if we can't control him-' Tyrion told her.

'Do you think I haven't tried?" Cersei questioned. 'He does not listen to me'

'It's hard to put a leash on the dog once you put a crown on its head.' Tyrion told her.

'I always hope to be like Jaime. He looks like him... in the certain light.' Cersei added awkwardly.

'The boy is more like Robert' Tyrion told her

'Robert was a drunken fool,' cersei reminded Tyrion.

'but he didn't enjoy cruelty.' Tyrion added.

'Sometimes I wonder...'

'What?' Tyrion asked

'If this is the price for what we've done for our sins.'

'Sins?' Tyrion questioned. 'Targaryen's-' he began.

'Wed brother and sister for years I know so Jaime and I... we say to each other in moments of doubt that is what I told Ned stark when he was stupid enough to confront me. Half the Targaryen's went mad. what's the saying?' cersei questioned 'Every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin.' she recalled.

'You've beaten the odds, Tommen and Marcella good and decent children, both of them.' Tyrion reminded her.

'I miss Jaime.' Cersei sobbed.

'so do I.' Tyrion remarked leaving her be. Tyrion was the pariah of the family, the imp and the problem that never went away, he was no one favorite and even as hand of the king he still got no respect.


'Your grace'

'Lord Baelish' Margaery answered politely.

'All these tents look the same to me.' Petyr remarked 'would you be so kind.'

'It would be my pleasure I took me weeks to make my way around the camp. Twice I walked in on ladies of undress. the moment I learn which tent is mine we would move again.'

'Your tent not our tent? The king snores perhaps or simply prefer solitude? Pleasures of command no doubt for kings fighting for the thrown...' Petyr questioned smugly.

'I am not tutored in welfare but basic arithmetic favors the side with greater numbers.' Margaery told him.

'If a war were arithmetic the mathematicians would rule the world Your grace.' Petyr told her 'I did notice your brother entering his tent just now.'

'He is on the kings guard his place is to remain by the King side.' Margaery told him defensively but she forced a smile as they walked.

'And on the night of your wedding...' Petyr added 'who is by the Kings side then?'

'You seem quite interested in our marriage.' Margaery noted

'Your marriage is quite interesting,' Petyr told her 'not only to me but to the realm the marriage of a wealthy girl always breeds interest if nothing else.'

'You have never married have you?'

'I've been unlucky in my affections sadly.' Petyr told her.

'That is sad perhaps it's for the best the whole notion of marriage seems to confuse you so allow me to explain my husband is my King and my King is my husband. Here's your tent. Lord Baelish, good night.' she said walking away proudly.

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